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Posts posted by Junuxx

  1. 41 minutes ago, Blake_ said:

    Hello, @madmole . What can you tell us about RWG in regards of rivers, waterfalls, "random landscape loot locations/ secret places" (I think those were said to be a thing?) and other stuff, like the general "feeling" of the generation as compared to A19? Gameplay tales also welcomed 😛


    Rivers and waterfalls would probably require the water overhaul which was confirmed to be postponed to A21.


    @Roland: Any updates to the first post? It's been a while.

  2. 12 minutes ago, hiemfire said:

    Most likely didn't want to risk the structural integrity failing. As is it is hanging off the side of terrain blocks and has no direct vertical connection to bedrock anywhere in the built up portion of the "base". Extend it out to 2 or 3 blocks deep and the entire thing has a very good chance of collapsing.


    OP said "And remember to extend to bottom of the wall to fi[r]st stone block", which I took to mean that the wall is suspended from stone blocks, not dirt blocks, which should be able to support a bit more.


    I'm also kinda confused by your "very good chace of collapsing". SI is not a probabilistic system. Either it will definitely collapse or it definitely won't.

  3. I'd play a 1x1km map if I could.


    I play single player, I prefer no loot respawn, but that doesn't really have that much impact if there's ten thousand POIs on the map. Shortage of pre-apocalypse items would be more meaningful sooner on a tiny map.

  4. This is still more of a dev history or chronicle than a dev "diary" (from diarium, daily), isn't it?


    I feel awkward asking for things that must have been asked hundreds of times already, like an ETA. But I'm not digging through 51 pages of posts, and without a FAQ or clear status in the first post, how else am I supposed to find out?

  5. Restore a Corrupted Save


    This method may possibly/partially restore a save game that is corrupted by not exiting the client correctly.



    1. C:\Users[username]\AppData\Roaming\7DaysToDie\Saves\ [worldname]\ [savename]\Player
    2. Remove [number].ttp
    3. Rename [number].ttp.bak to [number].ttp


    Player profile backup restored. Your items and everything you've built is still gone, AFAIK that's not backed up. But it's still better than having to start over entirely.

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