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Posts posted by r1cochet

  1. Always loving playing this mod. So I wanted to mod a couple files to make the game a little different. Like gathering animals for my farm but hate listening to the cow moo all the time. Anyone know how to remove mooing?

    Also love the exosuit and would really love to remove fall damage when wearing and powered up. Anyone know how to mod the fall damage when wearing the suit?

    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks guys!

  2. Thanks for the help Purg.

    So I just made it to the rad zone for the first time on this game. I have a beast of a computer 2 1080 TI's 64 gig ram and so on. The rad zone stutters so much its almost unplayable. Anyone have some pointers. I love the rad zone but this makes it really difficult.

  3. That is great. Ok now I need a little more help. I found 2 nuclear plants and put 5 steel rings and 7 enriched uranium into each core (the things submerged in the water). I did that at 2 separate (so 4 cores) power plants. Its been at least 3 in game days and no plutonium. Am i looking in the wrong spot (the cores submerged in water) or what? Could really use the help. trying to enjoy my holiday off. :)

  4. You are the man. I did what you said and found it. Really far away but like bigfoot I know it exists....haha. In blood moon right now. Tomorrow I head to the nuclear plant and then the rad zone....hell yea.

  5. That would mean things have changed since I last played. It was my understanding that Starvation was created to be played on Random Gen and was based a lot off of the rad zone. I have a lot vested in the game so far and hope that is not correct. I just received the mission from the doctor to go to the rad zone and kill another doctor???? So am pretty sure there is a rad zone but thank you for responding. Can anyone else help?

  6. What's up Starvation? Hey I need some help. Have played this several times before and loved it. Loving the latest version even more and so I am trying to find the Rad zone and am driving around like a fool and cannot find it. Any hints? BTW I am using a random gen version so I know the answer is not clear cut but any hints would be appreciated.

  7. About ready to start a new starvation game. Before I start could someone tell me if this is better on Navesgame or Random. The last time I played this game I was told it was designed more for Random.


    Not sure but I don't like what random does to the cities. Was kinda leaning towards Navesgame this time but didn't want to lose out on the game.

  8. About ready to start a new starvation game. Before I start could someone tell me if this is better on Navesgame or Random. The last time I played this game I was told it was designed more for Random.


    Not sure but I don't like what random does to the cities. Was kinda leaning towards Navesgame this time but didn't want to lose out on the game.

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