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Posts posted by zootal

  1. Is this version (.335) available for download? Youre readme.txt still says v.241. I'm guessing yes cause the .jar has today's date?


    I see that. yeah. FWIW, like many others, I find your NitroGen works great :).


    Question - do you have any code to prevent cities/towns from spawning in a lake? I generated a world with a lot of lakes, and I'm finding a lot of submerged cities. They are kinda kool actually, not complaining, just curious if this was intended or a byproduct of having too many lakes?


    Oops I accidently selected Sunken World LOL. sorry! Derp!

  2. i generated a 24k map, 38,000 prefabs in total. "out of memory error on launch." took 2.5 hours on 7700k 4.8 32gb ram titanXpascal.

    just for refernece,

    2 minutes for 8k

    5 for 16k


    Neither the 7D client nor server will load/run anything over 16K. I've tried but nothing I've done makes it work. I have a ton of HD space and memory. I think it's a restriction of the program's data structures, or might be a Unity shortcoming. Whatever the reason, I can't get anything bigger than 16K to actually run on server or client.

  3. Hey, Damocles, can you add to the post you copied to the main post here that gives dedicated server instructions?



    Step 1 should start like this:



    1) I recommend you specify the save game folder for your server, this is what I put in serverconfig.xml:


    <property name="SaveGameFolder" value="/home1/sd/saved_games" />

    <property name="UserDataFolder" value="/home1/sd/saved_games" />





    My apologies to anyone that I might have messed up with that omission. I always do both and just assumed everyone else would also....

  4. My SaveGameFolder points directly to the generated world, not just the save-game root. perhaps it's that?


    while my generated map is called map_test


    Mine looks like this for example:


    name="GameWorld" value="map_test"

    name="WorldGenSeed" value="map_test"

    name="WorldGenSize" value="122888"

    name="GameName" value="map_test"


    name="SaveGameFolder" value="/opt/sdtd/instances/map_test"


    with my world stored in the servers "Worlds" directory. working perfectly. got a testserver and my community server up for weeks now.


    SaveGameFolder can probably be anything/anywhere you want, I think it is UserDataFolder that needs GeneratedWorlds under it, and then SaveGameFolder is where the actual saved world goes. In my case I set them both the same and it works. Sometimes I change settings and use different seeds/servers, so because of that my SaveGameFolders is the save game root, rather than the actual world save, but like I said I don't think it really matters.


    I might be wrong, the serverconfig.xml documentation is a bit sparse and I don't have time to test it atm.... I just set both of them the same and it magically works. But I think his problem was he did not set UserDataFolder.


    I blame that on my documentation, I neglected to mention that I set both of them, and he probably just followed my instructions. In that case I sincerely apologize - that is a critical step, setting UserDataFolder.

  5. My SaveGameFolder points directly to the generated world, not just the save-game root. perhaps it's that?


    while my generated map is called map_test


    Mine looks like this for example:


    name="GameWorld" value="map_test"

    name="WorldGenSeed" value="map_test"

    name="WorldGenSize" value="122888"

    name="GameName" value="map_test"


    name="SaveGameFolder" value="/opt/sdtd/instances/map_test"


    with my world stored in the servers "Worlds" directory. working perfectly. got a testserver and my community server up for weeks now.




    I get the same error with your settings.


    The fix is to to set both UserDataFolder *and* SaveGameFolder to "C:\Tester Server Saves". Do that and it should work. Don't forget to un-comment them :).

  6. I haven't checked the log...soon as I can find it I will see what it says :)


    As far as I know the server can read/right to that directory


    Not sure how to know if it was 4K. Did I have to pick that as an option?


    My utter lack of knowledge on a lot of this stuff is showing through lol



    EDIT: I did find this in the log file...


    2019-05-04T16:11:31 2.172 ERR Error starting dedicated server: GameWorld "Fuddruckers" not found!

    2019-05-04T16:11:31 2.256 INF Closing Terminal Window

    2019-05-04T16:11:31 2.282 INF WinThread ended

    2019-05-04T16:11:31 2.282 INF Ended Terminal Window


    Yeah, it doesn't like something related to your world. I'm almost done setting it up to test on my end, I'll post back in a bit with results....

  7. In my serverconfig.xml file.....



    <property name="ServerName" value="Map Test Server"/>

    <property name="ServerDescription" value="Testing Generated Maps"/>


    <property name="GameWorld" value="Fuddruckers"/>

    <property name="WorldGenSeed" value="Fuddruckers"/>

    <property name="WorldGenSize" value="4096"/>

    <property name="GameName" value="Map Test Server"/>


    <property name="SaveGameFolder" value="C:\Tester Server Saves" />








    Map directory is C:\Tester Server Saves\GeneratedWorlds\Fuddruckers




    My server starts but the cmd window showing everything loaded flickers in and disappears.


    What is in the server log? That might tell us what the server does not like.


    And does the server have read/wrote access to that directory?


    I'm assuming Fuddruckers was a 4K world?


    Your settings look just fine. I have a Windows 7 VM I'm going to try your settings on, and I'll get back here in about a half hour with my results.

  8. Just wanted to comment on my NitroGen 16k world. It's the best looking world I've ever seen in A17, and really one of the best we have ever played. Dang fine work there! TFP should hire you to fix RWG!

  9. I'm running a 16K NitroGen generated world. It works great, the world is beautiful, and my players are saying it's the best looking world they have ever seen. However, when anyone joins the server, the get a line in the client console that says:


    EndOfStreamExceptoin Failed to read past end of Stream


    There is nothing in the server log that I can see, but the client log has this:


    2019-05-03T22:13:48 26.755 INF Started thread ChunkRegeneration

    2019-05-03T22:13:48 26.755 INF Started thread ChunkCalc

    EndOfStreamException: Failed to read past end of stream.

    at PooledBinaryReader.FillBuffer (Int32 _numBytes) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at PooledBinaryReader.ReadInt32 () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at GameStats.Read (System.IO.BinaryReader _reader) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at NetPackageGameStats+<readStatsCo>c__Iterator0.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


    The client then proceeds to finish connecting to server and gameplay proceeds without any problem. The players can play for hours and nothing seems to be wrong anywhere.


    Is anyone else running a 16K world and do your clients see this when connecting to server?

  10. So I don't really have much to add to my initial post. A 16K map generates based on the instructions I wrote, and loads fine. Players can join IF they have enough memory in their computer, and performance seems to be excellent.


    Here are some of my observances:


    A 16K world generates in NitroGen in 38 minutes.

    A 20K world generates in 48 minutes.


    I gave NigroGen 16GB, and it only used 10.5GB to generate the 20K world. Memory does not seem to be an issue.


    Server memory consumption 16K world with one player in game: 14GB

    Client initial join time: 45 minutes.

    Client memory consumption server: 17GB


    This, btw, is why many people have trouble playing a 16K map. The client uses more than 16GB, so if your machine has 16GB or less, like many do, you will hit the swap file and probably crash.


    With a 16K map, the server runs well with minimal cpu consumption. Likewise the client. Performance was excellent.


    Sadly, the 20K map would generate in Nitrogen, but the server would not load it. I get:


    Texture has out of range width / height


    2019-05-03T14:32:43 60.504 INF Biomes image size w= 8, h = 8

    2019-05-03T14:32:43 60.605 WRN Biome image contains unknown biome color RGBA(255, 0, 0, 255) at 3/3

    2019-05-03T14:32:43 60.605 WRN Biome image contains unknown biome color RGBA(255, 0, 0, 255) at 4/4

    2019-05-03T14:32:43 60.605 WRN Biome image contains unknown biome color RGBA(255, 0, 0, 255) at 3/3

    2019-05-03T14:32:43 60.605 WRN Biome image contains unknown biome color RGBA(255, 0, 0, 255) at 4/4


    IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.

    at WorldDecoratorPOIFromImage+<InitData>c__Iterator0.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


    At this point server initialization stops. The server does not finish initializing and therefore no players can join. This map is dead.


    I changed serverconfig.xml to RWG to see if I could generate a 20 K map from the server itself, and I get:


    Texture has out of range width / height


    UnityException: Failed to create texture because of invalid parameters.

    at UnityEngine.Texture2D.Internal_Create (UnityEngine.Texture2D mono, Int32 w, Int32 h, GraphicsFormat format, TextureCreationFlags flags, IntPtr nativeTex) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at UnityEngine.Texture2D..ctor (Int32 width, Int32 height, TextureFormat textureFormat, Boolean mipChain, Boolean linear, IntPtr nativeTex) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at UnityEngine.Texture2D..ctor (Int32 width, Int32 height, TextureFormat textureFormat, Boolean mipChain) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at WorldGenerationEngine.GenerationRules..ctor (System.String _worldSeed, Int32 _worldSize) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at WorldGenerationEngine.GenerationManager.Generate (System.String _worldSeedString, Int32 _worldSize, System.String _ruleset, Boolean _autoExport, Boolean _useProgressShadow) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at MainMenuMono+<startGeneration>c__Iterator0.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0


    And once again it stops.


    I think 20K maps exceeds the capability of 7D2D at this time. I may play with this some more when I have time, but I'm not very optimistic of getting a 20K server to run. I have plenty of memory, and at no time does it all get consumed. The server itself just doesn't seem to be able to handle it.


    - - - Updated - - -


    PS. I suspect memory consumption for both server and client is dependent on the actual world contents as well as size. I have a computer with 16GB and I was never able to get it to join any of my 16K worlds and run well. I bumped it up to 24GB, and now it joins and plays on these world just fine.

  11. Slightly different for me, i'm using alloc's scripts to install my server


    I upload the NITROgenerated worlds folder to the /engine/Data/Worlds/ folder of the server


    I then adjust the serverconfig file for the instance as follows:


    GameWorld = the name of the folder you have just uploaded

    WorldGenSize = the world size you chose when generating the map with NitroGen


    I save the file and start the server and look for errors in the log file ^^


    btw, if you get your players to save that same folder to their local install, they don't have to download the map when joining the dedi. You could put it on a dropbox or something for your players to pre-load, that will cut down log in time immensely on first login ^^


    Check your save games directory for your server and make sure it actually used your Nitro generated world. I've found that sometimes it won't use it, won't complain, but will happily generate something else instead, like Vimeno County or whatever. Took me a while to figure out why my worlds were not right. It was ignoring my Nitro generated world and creating its own instead.

  12. I have not tried out setting up a dedicated server, if you tutorial works, I can add it to the starter post.


    It might need a bit of tuning and tweaking. I'm currently loading a 16K map, but the initial load takes a while so it's not done yet. I'm also generating a 20K world on another machine ... which just finished at 86 minutes 37 seconds! Now to see if I can get it to run on a server without running out of memory....


    I'll update everything later today, and if you like it then feel free to reference it from the starter post. Getting this to work on a dedicated server was not difficult, but there are a few things that have to be exactly right or it won't work. Plus I need to make sure there are no seed name conflicts because those can cause extreme geography problems.

  13. Has anyone figured out how to add this to a dedicated server yet?


    It is surprisingly easy to get this to work.


    1) I recommend you specify the save game folder for your server, this is what I put in serverconfig.xml:


    <property name="SaveGameFolder" value="/home1/sd/saved_games" />


    Create the directory, and under it create the directory GeneratedWorlds. If your server root is /home1/sd like mine is, you should have:




    2) Make these changes to your serverconfig.xml, these are what I use but you can use whatever you want. In this case my server name is "Vomiting Spleens", and the game world and seed is NitroGenMap_4096_flat_snow. I'm not sure what would happen if GameWorld and WorldGenSeed were different, I didn't try to find out as I was a bit short on time. I kept them the same and it worked great.


    <property name="ServerName" value="Vomiting Spleens"/>

    <property name="ServerDescription" value="Vomiting Spleens"/>

    <property name="GameWorld" value="NitroGenMap_4096_flat_snow"/>

    <property name="WorldGenSeed" value="NitroGenMap_4096_flat_snow"/>

    <property name="WorldGenSize" value="4096"/>

    <property name="GameName" value="Vomiting Spleens"/>


    3) Use NitroGen to generate your world, give it the same name you use for GameWorld above. I used NitroGenMap_4096_flat_snow because it was a 4K flat snow world.


    4) Copy the directory NitroGenMap_4096_flat_snow from the NitroGen output directory to the GeneratedWorlds directory. You should have:




    5) Cross your fingers, pray to the diety of your choice, and start the server. It will take this template and generate the world:




    When the server finishes generating the world, join the server and enjoy!


    This works for me, YMMV. The above creates a 4096 world, I kept it small for testing. After I saw that it worked, I then created a 16K world, which likewise worked great.


    Try it and let us know what happens.

  14. Maybe I will add some options to trigger map generation and POI placement separately, as they are functionally different modules.


    Something like:

    -generate map and pois

    -only generate map

    -import map, generate pois (where you can edit the hight-map beforehand)

    -import POI placement mask


    - - - Updated - - -


    The player spawn points are red, traders purple, city centers cyan, industrial buildings blue.


    (..in Xylviers map, there also seem to be some custom added POIs, using the citycenter color)


    If you are feeling ambitious, the option for a hub city like we had with A15 and prior would be awesome. Some of my best gaming memory with 7D are from looting (or trying to loot) the hub city, hiding in the apartment buildings, etc. I miss the hub city more than anything else.


    I'm currently playing, and running a server, from A15.2. My users in general dislike A17, were OK with A16, but still like A15 best.

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