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Posts posted by The-Walking-Dad

  1. No, that's the downfall for the direct link.


    We recently found out that github is on some weird global filter list, and some ISPs are filtering github API traffic, which the mod launcher uses for the faster downloads. We are looking at alternative solutions


    Is this related to the issue I had with broadband shield preventing the launcher from working? If so and you're seeking a solution I'll keep an eye on the thread.

  2. Version 2.5 of ComSenMod is nearing release, and is expected to be the last pre-A16 version. I don't know how many people like to use mods but don't like to jump on to experimental right away, but this one will be for you :).


    I've spent more time spot-checking the specific changes I've made this time, instead of trying to test everything through a natural playthrough. Some highlights:


    • No more cinder blocks on the roads. They're replaced with a hopefully better-looking variety of debris.
    • Many fixes to item/block materials, which affects things like scrapping, repairing, and sounds. In particular, plastic continues to develop into a 'real' material with more sources and uses.
    • Books give you action skills. For example, reading a pistol book now raises your pistols skill. This spreads the utility of duplicate books out to more skills, and puts scavengers on more even footing with grinders.
    • Among other loot changes, sealed crates like Working Stiffs are guaranteed to not be empty.
    • Reverted most of the weathersurvival.xml changes. I bit off more than I could chew trying to rebalance the weather system. But it's still working great - better than vanilla - with my changes to insulation (clothes only warm you) and biomes (the world is colder overall to compensate).


    I'm on Day 4 of my 'real' playthrough where I assess the balance of everything together. I would like to fix the issue where hitting something with a flashlight makes no noise because it can't find the appropriate particle effect, but unless someone can help with that it may have to stay as a "known issue."


    Looking forward to trying it out!

  3. Good question. When Alpha 16 drops, I intend to merge ComSenMod with Alpha 16 vanilla before I play. From what I've seen, I don't think 15 vanilla -> 16 vanilla is going to change much of the things that ComSenMod changes. Of course, Gazz could do a zillion balance changes right before release. In any case, I want to try it out before the first A16 version of ComSenMod, so I don't give you guys something broken. Would you prefer something else?


    Not at all, I was just asking because I use ComSenMod as standard in my single player games now. I'm more than happy to wait for a version you consider ready.


    I have a suggestion also. Treasure chests at the moment contain real treasure; silver, gold and coins. Might it make sense to include food, clothing and medicine in this list to dilute it a bit?


    This is coming from someone who modded traders out by the way and has no use for dukes unless using a vending machine (which I've altered to take old cash because come on, who would go around modifying the vending machines in a zombie apocalypse?)

  4. @The-Walking-Dad-

    You can do that but the rotations are still off. Hopefully in A16 that will all be fixed


    Why are the rotations off anyway? I thought POIs would simply tell the block which way to face so it wouldn't matter which was used.

  5. I asked Spider the same thing. There is a simple fix. Just remove the word prefab off the end of the model model name. So porchlightprefab becomes porchlight. You can't change a few like the spotlight but most can be changed.


    I'm wondering if we can instead replace these models with the models of lights we can turn on and off. Then in a16 set up a generator, connect, and you have a lit up house.


    Haven't tested, but I will.

  6. After a bit of thought I've decided to use ComSenMod as the foundation of my own (personal, not going to be released) mod. Just thought I'd tell you as I appreciate the changes you've made to the game.

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