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Posts posted by Reckis

  1. I apologize if someone already brought this up, but has anyone else noticed that they added a model for apiaries (man-made beehives)? Perhaps the current scarcity of honey in tree stumps is in preparation for making those apiaries something more than just a model.


    The fruit stand with the sign that looks like a bee has some, and I have seen them in a few other places.


    Just sayin . . .

  2. On 1/18/2022 at 6:25 AM, polkillo said:

    перестал работать лаунчер ((( скачал undead legasy через лаунчер.игра запускаеться но не видит мод . the launcher has just stopped working ((( downloaded undead legacy through the launcher.the game starts but does not see the mod


    On 1/23/2022 at 1:01 PM, Shemasheko said:

    same problem here. any suggestions ?


    According to Subquake (the author of Undead Legacy) his overhaul now requires the Unity version of the ModLauncher.

  3. 1 hour ago, doghorde said:

    Hey subquake. İ am using latest stable version of this mod all graphic settings are max as posibble but in this mod i got some blurry or low qualitiy textures on some items like cars, pipe shoutgun, shop cards, ores, trees. Can you help me with this? Why is this happening



    Check your Dynamic Resolution settings. For higher end rigs it is better to just turn it off.

  4. Greeting @Subquake!


    First I would just like to tell you how much I love your overhaul! I eagerly await its release with each new alpha. From the QoL improvements, to the detailed crafting system, this overhaul is in many ways what I feel 7DtD could have been. The features and improvements that are a huge draw for me are too many to list here, suffice it to say about the time I get tired of modding vanilla to suit my tastes, I always come running back to this tried and true favorite.


    That being said, I have two questions :


    1. Do you have plans to change the tool/weapons section of the research process? As it currently stands I can see no reason why anyone would EVER research a tool or weapon. This is due to the research recipe. All of which require the complete tool/weapon in order to research. If I already have the tool/weapon, why would I destroy it for research just to have expend more materials to make a new one? Perhaps revising these to use the tool/weapon from the previous tier plus materials from the tier you are researching, on top of the existing resource costs would help. Just a suggestion/concern. I feel like the current recipes don't do justice to the rich and detailed system you have created.


    2. Is the inability to gather water from natural water sources a by product of your water gathering system? Or am I just overlooking something? I will admit the second option is a possibility, there is so much to relearn with this overhaul sometimes I overlook things.

  5. 10 minutes ago, Laz Man said:

    Has anyone in here actually tried stealth (perked) with attack volumes (feral sense off)?


    Light and shadows is very important now.  The zombie will wake up but they may not see you if you manage your light, shadows and noise accordingly.


    In my somewhat limited experience (haven't played with feral sense on, yet) stealth is doable, and becomes easier the more you invest in it. As with the majority of changes made over the course of the development of this game, you just have to re-learn how it works and adapt.

  6. I was having similar problems until I remembered/was reminded to clear out the old files.


    Remembering to do that seems to be more critical with this alpha than it has in the past, causing all sorts of issues that can be seen as "bugs".


    The real bugs stick around even after clearing all the old files - like robot modules falling through structures randomly.

  7. Personally, I think that this argument is basically the same as the people complaining about the "insane hunger", etc. etc.


    Instead of adapting to the game they want the game to adapt to them.


    I will admit, when I first read about the farming changes I was concerned, but after playing with them for a while, I learned to adapt.

  8. 1 hour ago, Whorhay said:

    Is it mind boggling for anyone else that the devs are seriously considering changing a mechanic so drastically purely so we can have prettier bandits? Like someone else said make a few models for each faction and call it a day.


    Not if it is the way they want to do things. . . it is their game after all, and thusly they have to make decisions that THEY are happy with, because there is no way they can please ALL of the 10's of thousands of people playing the game. That path would surely lead to madness.

  9. On 1/9/2022 at 7:19 PM, Laz Man said:

    Dont know why it was removed.  I do remember there being an SI issue with it.


    Yeah, lol! You could say that! Sometimes damn near the whole building would collapse just walking onto the second floor, other times nothing. It was great for getting books, but I wasn't sorry to see it go.

    On 1/9/2022 at 7:33 PM, Darklegend222 said:

    I've done the skyscraper twice and I'm at the point of declining it each time it pops up.


    I am at the point where I don't do T5 buildings at all unless I am bored or need a challenge between horde nights. I just feel that even if they are part of a quest, the rewards aren't worth the effort. Balancing maybe?

  10. Kinda feel like I maybe should have documented it. The same thing happened to my son-in-law with a different UI mod a couple of weeks ago.


    Put a UI mod on a thumb drive for him, one that I was currently using so I knew it was working (waiting for yours to update, honestly :) ) and it didn't work at all for him. Checked his file structure and all that jazz and everything was correct, the UI just wouldn't load. And then miraculously, he played a few days later and it started working.


    Edit - I have noticed that Steam has been performing unprompted validations on this game more often than it used to and almost always downloads something when it does so.

  11. 26 minutes ago, Sirillion said:

    Are you running anything else that might interfere? What does your mod folder look like?


    I am running a few other mods, but nothing else that messes with the HUD. I will use my testworld to try loading them one at a time to see if that one of them is causing the problem.


    Edit - Unloaded ALL of my mods except this one, with the same result. No module in the upper left hand corner. No level, no day or time, etc.

  12. Latest release - the level indicator in the upper left hand corner isn't showing. All the code is there (or at least appears to be, to my novice eye), it just doesn't show up.


    I tried uncommenting some stuff that looked like it might be part of that module, but it didn't help.



    Edit - Tried using the larger format section as well, still no go.

  13. 1 minute ago, Mahnogard said:

    I think sphereii is currently setting up the mod lists for A20 so it seems to be underway. They were waiting for stable to update, I think, so we should see something soon. 


    Ok, I guess I was confused cause it seemed like a lot of A20 mod authors were saying their mod was available on the mod launcher. :loco:

  14. While I can see the arguments on both sides of this debate, and agree with some of them to one degree or another. I think the real problem is the frequency of both "trap" rooms and trap floors, they both need to be balanced a bit IMHO.


    And while we are on the subject . . . in what world does trash/glass/debris ALWAYS come to rest in front of a doorway or at the top of stairs? Does the world of 7DtD contain some kind of mysterious weather phenomenon that causes a low pressure zone in those locations or what? I realize that the trash piles also appear in other locations, but it seems like 95% of the time they are in those two locations in every single structure.

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