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Posts posted by Kattla

  1. To the OP,  perhaps try earlier alphas of this game.  IE, alpha 10.4 or 12.5. It was a good game, once upon a time.


    If it is any comfort, i gave up on this game 3 years ago , after putting 2950.9 hours into it.  I don't eat food i don't like, nor do i play games i don't like.

    If i was to play it again, i'd probaly pick an alpha prior to A20.

    Even if you filled a library with every tiny little detail wrong (in your opinion) about this game, the devs ain't gonna listen (well, read it) unless you ask for nerfs.


  2. I would not use floating bases. That is where i draw the line.

    But i've might have been guilty of using arrowslits for cheap base entries, once or thrice upon a time.  Instead of jump to reach ladder, or other



    Using zombie pathing i don't see as cheese, nor unrealistic.  It's a concept used for hilltop castles since ancient times , and for a good strategic reason.

    I don't necessarely think it is good for a game , since it is predictable and easy to work with. But , it is what The Fun Pimps wants us to have, which is

    why i don't see it as cheese, but rather playing the game as intended.


    And.. we had effective ways to deal with zombies before A17 too. Using what we are given to our advantage is nothing new. In my opinion, it boils down to

    how a player plays the game. Some will play it as fighting/ zombie killing game, others will play it more as a survival/RP type of game. And probaly a lot of mixes

    inbetween those two. 

  3. 19 hours ago, Slingblade2040 said:

    There has to be a better solution than being told play 40 minutes and ignore most of the game content otherwise you make crafting gear, weapons and tools pointless.


    There is.

    Uninstall and play something else. And give feedback on why, as you already have.


    On the trader, i share your opinion.

    On mods, no, i am not going to touch them until The Fun Pimps decide to add in steam workshop support , even though i belive some of the mods

    are quite good, but that's another topic entirely. But that is for you to decide, not me.


    Games are entertainment, and if they are not entertaining, no reason to play them.


    I call it burned out when every little detail feels like a reason to not play a game. And instead of wasting time thinking about negative aspects, i suggest uninstall.

    Can always reinstall if needed.

  4. 5 hours ago, Maharin said:

    Could we please have an addition option during RWG that allows for a single town instead of "few"?  And could we also get a simple on/off option for traders?  Choosing no towns removes traders but it would be nice to have the option of having one (or more) towns without traders if we wanted.  No rush, by release would be fine.  :p


    EDIT:  Or just have the single town option have no traders... whatever is easier.  I currently end up going with no towns or going into the POI listing and remove trader entries.


    I'd like to see that too. It's one of the main reasons i liked Nitrogen since it had those options.

    If they implement them however, it's probaly better suited for something to go into an "advanced map gen options" , since more and more of the game seem to

    resolve around the trader and looting.


    Playing with no trader and almost no POI's is much more immersive , at least from a survival point of view. It's a LOT slower progress, and its probaly not for everyone.

    With no trader, what you can loot suddenly become more valuable.

    With very few POI's, the ones you can find also become much more valuable , and so it becomes more motivating to go searching for them.

    And like you said, with few places to loot, crafting becomes much more necessary , and making the best with the little we have.


    It is slow though, and may need some modding to deal with progress trees , since some stuff is locked behind books and trader.

    As in, if i play with no trader and few or no POI's , do i really want all that fancy stuff anyway? Possibly for the feeling of progress.

  5. 1 hour ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    We will see about bandits, those might be a good way to keep us busy. If they are just out in the world and part of quests, i don´t think they will be a great challenge. Really hope they are going to raid our bases. Random, without a schedule like the blood moon ofc.

     Could be intresting if the bandits were more intrested in raiding our houses, ie, chests filled with goodies would be their primary goal, not the player.  As in,  player placed chests adjust the value of a "gold map" depending on how filled they are. A high value gold map would attract bandits , but have no effect on zombies.

  6. 12 hours ago, geengaween said:

    I used to love this game but some time around A18 it lost its magic and I haven't been able to properly play it since. But I don't really know why I don't like it any more, all the ingredients I love are there - proc gen worlds, scavenging, exploring derelict buildings, thirst/hunger, zombies. I've always liked Zomboid and I've played both games for years, I've got like 300 hours clocked in both of them.


    But I can't figure out what it is about Zomboid I like, and what it is about 7DTD I don't like. Anyone feel the same way, or have any insights?


    I call it burned out. When every tiny little flaw seems like a terrible error with the game. Best cure, if there is a cure, is to play something else.

    Games are entertainment, and if they are not entertaining, no need to play it. I wouldn't watch a bad TV show (unless married) or eat food i don't like.


  7. 12 hours ago, saoron666 said:

    Why there isn’t any airport in the game?

    a giant airport with luggage, crashed planes, towers, lobbies, herds of zombies, the runways, cop cars, fire trucks , blinking red lights inside the airport..

    could  actually take off or land your helicopter there as well… can be on separate biom  further from the city…

    T5 could’ve been there instead of same buildings…  


    you have everything in an airport, restaurants, shops, generators  etc… 


    it can be really interesting and something new! 
    but has to be big, eerie, not a walk in the park! 

    Make one.

  8. I agree with the OP on the topic of moving on to the rest of the game. Fix gamebreaking bugs, and then move on to the bandits and story.

    With those done, then it may be time to optimize and tidy up what they consider exploits of certain building blocks.

    Hopefully it is easier to balance stuff once they see the full picture.

  9. Voted no. By looting both day and night the reward itself is more loot and a better chance to get better loot.

    Since it also is likely to include a bit of fighting , your gamestage and therefore the chance of getting better loot automaticly increases more,

    as opposed to beeing somewhat idle during night.

  10. On 11/10/2021 at 10:09 PM, saoron666 said:

    I think after playing the game for over 1200hrs with max difficulty i still find it very easy from start to late in the game..


    this game needs HORDES of zombies! you need numbers of them walking and attacking, surrounding you, getting you cornered!


    so you cant run by them! if they surround you, you are done!


    imagine a horde of zombies on sprint mode !!!! now we talking survival skills and that run and gun is worth leveling,...


    we need to maximize the number of random zombies on the game.


    Been there, done that.  Base defence was like, left-click 8 times, then hit r. Rince and repeat until lag and zombies was gone.

    Survival skills, not really. In my opinion, survival actually is to fight as little as possible , or find methods that put you, the player, at as little risk

    as possible. In other words, kinda like min/maxing.


    Fighting skills, maybe. I'm not denying it gives a certain thrill to run around on the ground at horde night, at least the first times one do it, and most

    at the start of the bloodmoon. It's quite fun, but i am not considering it "survival". Just fun.


    Even if this game become super-optimized to support massive hordes, players will adept their fighting style to match the horde sizes. Explosives can be

    quite useful for large zombie gatherings.


    It's quite some time ago i had fun with those massive hordes. It was in multiplayer too. And, it was where i first learned how to run and club zombies.
    And, yes. That image just shows a roaming horde... not bloodmoon horde. Hiding image behind spoiler tag to not steal this thread entirely.




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