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Posts posted by Rathlon

  1. I'm getting oddities with some of the generation of some houses and buildings.

    They are filled with pass through blocks that makes it hard to look into them but you can't destroy them.

    Should I start over with a new world?

    And this is the only mod I have for 7D

  2. I'm having an issue and unsure how to fix it.

    When I go and try to craft something the materials needed are too light to see and if I change the UI's opaque setting then the area turns solid white.

    So how do I fix this or is this on the mod's end?



    Will try to nab a screenshot of what I'm talking about.

  3. I've found an oddity, I'm not sure if this counts as a bug or not, with the MedX[don't know the name of the item just he icon name].

    When I used it to clear myself of stage 1 infection and health it restored my health and stamina but it didn't clear the infection.

    Though it clearly stated that it does clear stage 1 and 2 infections on the description of the item.

    Now it gave me the buffs of honey and two other things but nothing else aside from health and stamina restoration.

    Now I'm not sure if you have to have some % off your hunger and thirst bars before it could take effect but I think it should work like the antibiotics.

  4. The last time I tried the launcher it broke my game to the point that I had to do a reinstall of the game.

    I'm not going to make that mistake again and use something that will break the game.

  5. I've found some off of the nurse zombies.

    I was lucky and obtained two of them.

    So you just have to hit that loot %.

    As for me I've got mine set to 75% but I'm still having inventory issues at times.

  6. HD is heavy duty grade, I'm only guessing on the eco cause i havn't progressed to get them.

    But I think the Eco items are electric instead of gas.

    Cause I've noticed the eco chainsaw, eco auger, just to name a few but I haven't found the class that holds them.

  7. I'm also having some oddities when it comes to loading the game with this installed in.

    I'm getting some SDX errors, and from what I read there is no mention of SDX anywhere on page one.

    So should I ignore this?

  8. I'm not sure if anyone has asked this or they have and I'm not going to go through 112 pages to look for the question.

    But what does BBM mean?

    I want to try this mod out, cause I want to see how this differs from Valmod[don't get me wrong I like how valmod is, but I need a change]

  9. I'm wondering when you do fully release this, will you have the UI as a separate download?

    Cause I love the look of the ui so far.

    Clean and allot better than what it looks like now.

  10. Seems interesting but you don't have the one class I always pick[if I use a mod that has the class system].

    You don't have the Hunter, I always use the bow and for firearm the hunting rifle.

    So I'll skip this mod.

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