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  1. i haven't tried placing heat sources down at the very bedrock level in v1, but i certainly did in A21, and screamers (in A21) most certainly found me; don't know if this has changed in v1 as after that i had no interest in being located down at bedrock again
  2. thanks, i know all this; it's just that in early game, when you get bogged down in in the usual early game things, finding a base, staying alive, doing some quests etc etc, travelling too far to get food isn't always an option. early game can be very punishing in v1. I'm not complaining, all the extra challenge is good for the soul, my point is/was that (even if just for game atmosphere) it would be nice to see just a bit more wildlife
  3. Better worded than me re the animals, we definitely should see a (few) more in the Pine Forest - it is a forest after all; i know we have the awesome zombies-eat-killed-animals mechanic, and being as they don't eat live animals, we should indeed see a few more animals in the nice green forest areas
  4. I probably only ever put 1 point in that point once (back in A21), just to see how it worked; thanks but i'm very selective in where my points go and they are always badly needed elsewhere since v1 came along 😁 (in A21 i was quite selective with points but not as much as i have to do now in v1); i'm glad the game is becoming more difficult, but virtually no animals being seen is taking things a little far (as is overdoing the screamer mechanic but there's a whole thread dedicated to that particular chestnut so i won't digress further into that)
  5. that's why i run Khaine's wandering horde mod, keeps me on my toes more, but yes also to have more zombies, it's too quiet out there !; not interested in zombie deer, we're luckily if we see even 1 normal deer (never mind just 1 rabbit, chicken or snake too) ; there's not even any animals left for zombies to eat - remember how awesome it was in A21 when TFP introduced zombies eating animals you killed, if you weren't quick enough to get to the corpse, we said goodbye to that awesome mechanic when they made the world devoid of most wild animals
  6. just 3 dew collectors, without mods in fact, i don't believe in putting the new mods in them just to get clean water, i just boil the murky water in campfire when needed; (i don't like being lazy in the game, just because it's an apocalypse doesn't mean i can't make time to boil water on a fire!). maybe the collapse was the structural instability issues that surfaced in v1.0, maybe it was nothing to do with screamers after all; solution for now is to put 2 new dew collectors with the surviving collector, back on the roof; - but i removed the remnants of the original destroyed roof and made an entire new roof and supporting walls; no more collapses so far, (i'm using the Poopy Pants Day care POI as my home; with land claim block and bedroll, but boxes and dustbins within the POI/within the land claim boundary, still frequently repopulate with items (another bug i suspect but's ok, more free stuff ) ; but no, no farm plots on the roof in this playthrough; (i often have put loads of farm plots on a roof, usually a reinforced roof), never had any structural collapses in A21. my farm plots are 1-block down into the dirt on ground level outside
  7. That's my same stance on some weapons and tools, they take over too much screen real estate; something that's been bothering me lately is the burning shaft mod in weapons and tools; for some reason the flame bothers my eyes/takes focus away from the actual game/zombies, don't think anything has changed there, maybe my eyes are just more sensitive lately; but back to topic, yeah i agree, the focus should be the zombies/whatever we're looking at, not the actual weapons or tools
  8. i didn't imagine the damage happening; it's possible that when i was off raiding, that i wasn't far enough away for the chunks to not be loaded, can't remember; but as to structural stability, the roof was strong enough to support the dew collectors
  9. i can confirm that screamers and other zombies will attack your home even when you're far away; i'd gone off to do some raiding and came back to half the roof collapsed, loads of debris and 2 dew collectors missing from the roof. i'd put up some shotgun or smg turrets to babysit my home while i'm away, but of course they're not available early game. i had left forge and a workbench doing stuff before i left, so that attracted them. of course i could turn those off while away but that defeats the object of using your (limited) in-game time properly. ah well will just have to go with it, though i do think the screamer mechanic was infinitely better in A21. recently in mutiplayer we've been inundated with 2 screamers at once, and sometimes they only murmur and that's enough for them to summon a sea of death. The increased difficulty this brings is still fun, however it's too easy to lose your home and stuff now
  10. re the "rubber band ahead and me then do the running man in place. " comment; been playing for years with a friend who does the server. had read about this anomoly before but never seen it once in all our multiplayer games, even when i had an ancient Q6600 PC with 8GB RAM and a slow internet connection. Now i have decent PC and connection and saw this anomoly for the first time the other night (v1.1 b4). it happened out of the blue and thus i found it hilarious to watch, a wandering horde we'd just taken on, started rubber banding around at great speed and then running on the spot. Now my point is that other than the funny visuals, my movement in the game, the game world and my friend's audio on discord, all functioned fine. Plus i could see him running around taking on the zombies even though i couldn't hit them due to the rubber banding. Asked him if he could see this happening and he didn't. but... he said i'd vanished for a little while. so somehow it seems i had dropped out of his game briefly even though i felt and experienced that i was still in the game; shortly after it went back to normal and we finished off the zombies
  11. For a game that has awesome re-playability (in fact to me it's one of the only games i have played that is so replayable), restarting progress would not be an issue to me. All the time i've played it, i've never had a need to restart before i was planning to, but if i did, it's no biggie to me, all part of the fun, that initial struggle to survive never gets old, and any previous progress was enjoyed, so a potential restart would never be a loss to me either. Just my 5 cents
  12. yes indeed they do, once i was so engrossed in looting that i didn't even realise horde night was so close until the 22:00 sounds started, i had to peg it up onto the nearest house roof and unsurprisingly it was a crap choice as within a few seconds they've bust throught the roof to get me, i tried but then it wass mad panic into the streets and run and fight, fantastic fun, gets your heart poundini; it certainly is survival ! my bubble is good thanks ; yeah i often go looking for new versions of mods, the ones listed (that might be old) are all still working fine, i play the game vertiully every day so i'd notice if errors came up, or if things went awry. Mods i'm uising in v1.0 b333 ~ F:\games\7 Days to Die\7.Days.to.Die.v1.0.(b333).Stable\Mods>dir /b 0_TFP_Harmony 7D2D World Lighting Tuned (v1.0) AGF-A20HUDPlus-EPatch1.0.1 AGF-A21HUDPlus-Addon1.4.0 AGF-A21HUDPlus1.8.0 donovan-longerlootbags KHA21-HPBars KHV1-WanderingHordeFrequency (1.0) VanillaFoodModel (v1.0) WMMSkipNewsScreen-5520-1-0-333-1-1722026489 (1.0) i still need to finish renaming all the various mods to have version info in the folder name, but yeah all the above mods are working fine in b333 currently
  13. I most certainly do know about %appdata%, I've been in I.T. since long before Windows even existed 😁. I maybe didn't write my previous post as clearly as i could have. Example of folders separated correctly ~ i have Joke Mod in "F:\games\7 Days to Die\7.Days.to.Die.a21.2.(b37).Hotfix.with.Joke.Mod" it's mods (in "F:\games\7 Days to Die\7.Days.to.Die.a21.2.(b37).Hotfix.with.Joke.Mod\Mods") ~ 0-CustomParticleLoader AGF-A20HUDPlus-EPatch1.0.1 AGF-A21HUDPlus-Addon1.4.0 AGF-A21HUDPlus1.8.0 Alter_PictureInPictureScopes donovan-longerlootbags JaWoodleDye Joke Mod KHA21-HPBars Secret Pr0n (this is part of Joke Mod !) Zed-A21-OakravenMonoBikes it's save folder (in "F:\games\7 Days to Die\UserDataFolder\7DTD-a21.2.(b37).Hotfix.with.Joke.Mod") ~ GeneratedWorlds launchersettings.json logs Saves SavesLocal Screenshots titlestorage Twitch The 2 relevant serverconfig.xml lines for Joke Mod's folder location ~ <property name="UserDataFolder" value="F:\games\7 Days to Die\UserDataFolder\7DTD-a21.2.(b37).Hotfix.with.Joke.Mod" /> <!-- Use this to override where the server stores all generated data, including RWG generated worlds. Do not forget to uncomment the entry! --> <property name="SaveGameFolder" value="F:\games\7 Days to Die\UserDataFolder\7DTD-a21.2.(b37).Hotfix.with.Joke.Mod\Saves" /> <!-- Use this to only override the save game path. Do not forget to uncomment the entry! --> I keep a separate shortcut for each version/overhaul, so for Joke Mod's shortcut to launch the game ~ Shortcut target ~ "F:\games\7 Days to Die\7.Days.to.Die.a21.2.(b37).Hotfix.with.Joke.Mod\7DaysToDie.exe" -configfile=serverconfig.xml Shortcut "Start in" ~ "F:\games\7 Days to Die\7.Days.to.Die.a21.2.(b37).Hotfix.with.Joke.Mod" So i probably didn't word my previous post re UserDatafolder as good as i should have, hopefully this makes more sense, and my way of doing things here is the accepted 7 Days method and is valid/correct, no files or mods are mixed up between the various versions ; it's decades since i last moderated one of Europe's largest forums (ie back when i was good at uploading photos to the internet to make things easier to explain), i haven't had a want or need to upload photo's of things anywhere on the net since then so im being lazy and typing, hopefully this now makes sense (without screenshots) *** I'm glad of your post as that post, plus this reply by me (even without screenshots) will show anyone how to properly set up separate instances, it's appreciated, i wrote my previous reply whilst working and i obviously wasn't paying enough thought to detail
  14. I should have clarified, i'm not talking about default Steam folders, but for when you copy the Steam folder and save folder to a.n.other folder; as i say i can't remember which changelog mentions this, but that's what i'm talking about, not the default Steam (%appdata%) serverconfig.xml
  15. ~schwanz9000 - I'm not 100% sure that UserDataFolder is (still) correct for servconfig.xml, can't remember where i saw it but i believe it's in one of the changelogs for one of the recent updates. I used to religiously update serverconfig.xml with both locations of UserDataFolder and also the save folder, but i recall that recently TFP changed that; for a while now i've only been adding location of the save folder to serverconfig.xml and everything works fine. I'm not at home so can't show proof but i know for a fact that for at least a couple of versions, i only have to hardcode the save folder location in serverconfig.xml. the UserdataFolder is no longer required to be hardcoded in there
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