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  1. Haha , how can I send you the files ?
  2. Sounds good, thank you for your help !
  3. Thank you for your answer , I'll check it but I think it's above my current skills.
  4. Hello everyone. First try on modding here. I've got the plan to create a Pipe bomb like on L4D ( Attract zombie to let you breath then explode ) Everything is done but I don't know how to make them chase the Pipe Bomb instead of me. Is it even possible ? They chase it when they are wandering yes , but if they are chasing me , they don't care about it. Any solution ? Thanks in advance.
  5. Hello Guppy. A lot of your Zombies from pack 1 pass through vehicles and electric fences , is there a way to fix this ? Also , a lot of them from pack 1 ( all maybe ? ) Run , stop , hit , instead of hitting while running , how can I fix this too ? And to finish , I've edited some of your Zombies ( Pack 1 and 3 ) to give them more unique traits. And edited the Entitygroup too to balance the difficulty ( Not finished ). Changed their sound effects to have more diversity. Changes : Pack 1 ZombieGuppyBob is now a feral ( since he was glowing eyes ) ZombieGuppyCloth is now a feral ( with Feral wight sound cause he is a proto feral wight (?) ) ZombieGuppyKennethClown is now on par with Fat Hawaian ( Explode like cops when low HP ) ZombieGuppyLucy screams like a screamer ( Proto screamer , she doesn't call zombies ) ZombieGuppyMeaty is now a boss only in bloodmoon ( 5000 HP , do as much damage as a demo , 0,1 spawnrate ) ZombieGuppyRadiated is now a radiated ( damage and HP to be on par with other radiated ) ZombieGuppyRiotGear is now armored against standard bullet ( lower spawnrate before GS 150+ ) Pack 3 All on par with standard zombies ( they still hit harder though ) GuppyZombieHeavy tank like a feral ( still moving slow ) GuppyZombieGiant is now some sort of boss for POI's Maybe I can send you the changes and you decide if you want to add it or not to the current mod.
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