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Everything posted by Hellox

  1. I do not know why it actually matters how he passed away. I had a friend that past away because of overdose on drugs... does that make it any less tragic? No. I will say after reading about what you guys said here. I went doing search with his name there is multiple websites (nothing I would call trust worthy) reporting that it was DUI but give no other details. I dunno if it would be proper to link to them specially considering these "news" outlets are kinda those "one offs" you if you know what I mean. So can't say reliability to be honest.
  2. Fully agree... I have seen people use stealth gameplay. More so in previous alphas before alpha 21 and personally I feel its partially cause of world design implementation of "forced triggers" that are part of alpha 21 world design that makes it so you can't sneak the entire way through a P.O.I
  3. I actually saw that video but did you? If you watch majority of the gameplay is playing out much like I suggested where turrets are not being used even though its in their inventory hotbar. Theres a whole playlist to that series of multiple P.O.I's using baton and not the turret in their inventory.
  4. That "non invisible crowd" I speak of is going to watch popular youtubers that play 7 days to die such as https://www.youtube.com/@Glock9 Seeing their reaction to intelligence tree and how they play it and what they think about it. As I stated before I would love to see a popular youtuber or streamer that makes use of turrets and finds it enjoyable to use while exploring P.O.I's. But from my own gameplay experience (personal) and from what I have observed from "the non invisible" crowd , it is considered *unfun* to use turrets while exploring P.O.I's
  5. I seen some people saying it makes game harder cause no infinite water with jars. In some regards I guess that may be true. Yet, I think it is almost as easy if not easier than before with "magical water dispensers" that give you more than enough water each day that you don't even have to purify. This game doesn't have much of a survival aspect of food or water , besides having the numbers. Both food and water are plentiful in this game. Even if you play on day 200 multiplayer with everything ranshacked... the amount of food and water you get is enough to feed an army. To jar or not to jar... I could careless, I like the idea of trying to get rid of infinite water and make game harder but could have been done by just making water finite as well.. Honestly think game really lacks the "hardcore" survivor feeling and isn't really going to change unless a lot of things do.
  6. Yes and Spears have chance to bleed and slow with armor piercing. But they do such without an even heavier investment into another skill tree physician. It is investing in a skill tree that can be achieved with less points. That "10%" isn't as high as you think it is , which is why you *feel* its "overpower" It all has to do with math. Electrocuting zombies is actually just a STUN+BLEED mechanic wise. Take a sledge hammer you swing twice dismember its head and it dies. Baton you swing 10 times over longer period of time and it still alive. It really isn't for ANY streamer or youtuber , or myself. We all *feel* its waste of time and rather hit a zombie 20 more times in hopes for it to die randomly than pick up reload TWO turrets in hotbar inventory management than place them back down and switch to ANOTHER weapon while I could have just clicked and fired a gun at it. The issue with turrets and P.O.I's is having to pick up and reload to place back down in hopes the zombies do not run past the turrets or out of range. its time consuming and forces inventory management in middle of fight. Its unfun. Turrets work during hordes cause its literally sit in one spot and not move gameplay
  7. You’re not the only one that’s played an int build. Int builds are Perception builds or Strength builds its a video game where multiple skill trees are given for varying game play. To see *balance* you compare investment of resource in this situation skill points and value that it provides. My orginal post did such. Majority of the game is spent exploring P.O.I's not in base or building. This isn't minecraft last I checked spending most of the day in base in inventory screen crafting some modded block. Which I suggested where turrets are useless if you can prove other wise I suggest you try youtube.com and pick a youtuber or streamer showing otherwise.... maybe they are "king" of the int build using turrets while exploring P.O.I's Crazy you seem to agree but still want to say wrong. Than why not just remove the int tree if your suggestion is to use another tree.
  8. What is there to say except that I am fairly impressed. The entire perk/crafting magazine system I feel is amazing. It provides a nice sense of progression and just the flavor of weighted randomness. The perk/crafting magazine reward system is very nice but some of the perk/crafting trees feel to clumped. I think that is more due to those trees could be expanded upon. Need that mmorpg unlocking addictive feeling. Even though the traders do have a specific skillbook bias, I do think the quest system could using tweaking to a system more akin to "Weighted randomness" choosing reward path with multiple choices. Choosing these specific type of mission more likely to get ?paper resources?/craft books/weapon books/perk books Choose these missions to get better chance of resources/weapon parts/weapons These to get resources/?building parts?/work benches I like the randomness but being able to "direct" the path forward. It allows for the "oh darn" and "wowee amazing" moments when working in and against your favor. Some of the quests don't feel that "localized" like the trader would be the one knowing about the job when you literally sent you into other trader "territory" I get the idea is to expand on utility of vehicles but maybe traders are to close? Bad luck with gen? Performance is feeling amazing.. chunking feels very very smooth. Skill trees , for most part feeling nicer. Perception tree feels more viable choices with spears getting much needed love in direct and in direct ways. Directly with buffs stats and indirectly with hitboxes on things like doors. Though I personally did not feel the impact of the slow debuff from the power attack. Strength tree always been popular and solid tree, does what it says on can, brute force with utility. What is more fun than saying hello with buckshot to the face. Fortitude good tree fists still feel like a "hump" skill where starts off bad... till gets good and feels tanky Wish tree felt more tanky from get go,Speaking of tanky with automatic guns a "brute damage" weapon that feel should be in another tree replaced with explosives, automatic guns merged into sniper much like smg with pistols. Explosives feels like more "I damage you while damaging self" tank skill. Bit odd for perception to have 2 range weapon trees as well. Which maybe can open up some type of new explosive weapon as well such as flame thrower? Flame thrower sounds and *feels* like a tanks weapon. Agility feeling bit weaker more so cause of world design than the skills themselves. No matter the amount of sneaking when you are forced not to sneak it feels bad. Maybe skyrim has spoiled us with this? lol Otherwise utility is strong and weapons are good even though it is less popular tree the weapon skills work. I think some type of speed buff to make up for not always being able to sneak would help tree. Intelligence aww the red headed step child. To strong , to weak, to doesn't know what it wants to be. Engineering has always been a *invest just now and respec later* skill giving very little benefit from having points in it long term where you could invest those points into harvesting more resources faster instead. Once you have the magazines using the weight system no need for points here. The baton on paper works the damage scales , with a lacking tier 3 "progression" and only melee weapon needing 4 (argue 5 with gut for nerd candy) skill investment you are left feeling no progression and huge investment to achieve what can be achieved with many many less points. The robotics still feels bad for exploring, which again many hoped a "following" turret (drone) with gun would have fixed giving intelligence POI range tree. But since they are not going that direction robotics is left in a semi useful category mostly for hordes where it shines or alternative to 5 wood and making drop box. Its utility is strong with trader skill line. Than a odd team buff skill out of nowhere which is actually strong, but feels like another tree skill (charisma? lol) not intelligence. So overall the new perk/skill magazine system is fun and feels rewarding , skill tree wise perception feels much better overall , agility and intelligence feel like suffer from the same issues they have for a while.
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