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  1. You're right that I enjoy the late early-to-mid game the most, I like having things to plan for and look forward to being able to tackle. And those things are definitely more skewed in multiplayer where rate of accessing materials and such is significantly expedited as opposed to as a solo player. Steel, gas tools, gyrocopter, etc. simply don't open up much of the game for me (or my teammates) that I/we don't have access to beforehand. Which is why I'd love some super secluded POIs or those that are not accessible by land, and a couple more zombie varieties to make things more special/more dangerous for the base than just demos and spitters. Regarding a zoo... A smaller, farm-y petting zoo type location might work. I agree that it might be too op as a meat farm, but I think that can be avoided by relying on existing animals (and maybe one or two more), their zombified varieties, and filling the rest with carcasses to achieve the effect. I'm not actually expecting them to add things like elephants, haha. Similar idea with an in-town pet store - have a handful of snakes drop through the ceiling and maybe a rabbit/chicken or two in a cage. Oh! Scorpions might fit! I agree that perfectly clean items would look out of place in the world, but I think there's room to play around with cracks, peeling, rust, etc. without having the item look completely soiled. I just really wanted to get my ideas down on paper and thought I might as well post them for anyone else who might be interested. It's completely fine and expected if devs aren't looking for any new ideas that aren't already on the books.
  2. Is there a word limit? Hello all! I’ve been playing 7dtd for about 3 years now and have accumulated a collection of ideas for the game in general and improvements for areas where I think it is lacking, as supported by my anecdotal evidence. For clarity, I love playing this game with friends and most of my ~400 hours have been spent playing in a group of 4~6 people. So pretty much all of my observations are from the multiplayer perspective, as opposed to solo runs. This is a rough breakdown of how the game has flowed in my group for most of our runs. Days 1-7: Find first trader, take over nearby poi, loot locally & run quests until at least tier 2/bike reward. Days 8-14: Continue quests, bike around until someone finds a city and a decent base location. Days 15-28: Same as previous. If group can’t decide on base location or hasn’t finished prepping the area, we can get through the two blood moons by chilling on top of a mid-range poi, like a motel, shooting range, church, etc. Days 29-35: Commit to base building, group probably has minibikes too, so any need to move storage is fairly easy. Accumulated supplies probably have enough for full cobble base, if not immediate concrete. Days 36-49: Remaining necessary upgrades to base, working towards motorcycles/cars, maxing out local Trader, tackling whatever high-tier poi hasn’t been looted yet. Up to Day 56: Probably last blood moon anyone cares to play – the only remaining “goals” are things like jeeps for all, full steel base, gas tools for all, etc. As it is, concrete tier & motorcycles is, imo, the “end game” of the game as it stands. I would like to see this expanded, or at the very least adjusted in a way that incentivizes working towards the remaining 10% of the game, like steel, gas-powered tools, jeep, gyrocopter, etc. And so, here are my ideas that could help with that. Need for early-game cover and improvements to getting wet: On that note, mountains and the wilderness in general could use some moar love, so here are some of my POI (and quest) ideas (though some can be placed in cities/towns just as well): Regarding zombies… I’m definitely looking forward to their visual variants! It was getting a bit boring know exactly who’s behind a crate if you saw a blue sleeve or an orange pant leg. I’m still brainstorming ideas for “special” zombies, but here’s what I came up with: Speaking of animals... Regarding deco items: My general decorative ideas are: Other ideas I'll post as a reply if I think of more stuff. This was like 6 pages in Word, haha.
  3. The new POIs added to the quest pool are great, and I'm sure they're significantly less repetitive in a solo run than before. But if you're playing with friends and multiple people are questing at the same time (particularly in the early game before people start to splinter off on their own), the tier 1~2 quest pool is not nearly large enough (albeit better than in previous alphas). And honestly the buried supplies quest type is pretty lack luster at the moment. It might be faster to complete than a POI with having 4+ people dig a hole at the same time, but it is comparatively much more boring and nets less loot than just stripping a house or store. Maybe buried supplies quests can be reworked into something more engaging than just spawning a mini-horde every time the circle shrinks, like opening up into an underground cavern, mineshaft or bunker. And leave pure digging for the treasure maps.
  4. I know the news is pretty recent, but any word from the devs regarding whatever the hell Unity is trying to pull? Iirc the game uses the Unity engine so I'm expecting FP would be affected... 😬
  5. My approximate translation because why not 😁 Good day everyone! I started playing from version 20.1 so I haven’t kept track of what was available before this version. Here are a few of my ideas for the game, maybe the devs will find them interesting. 1: Farming Tools. It would be neat if there were tools that improved crop harvesting, like collecting crops faster or didn’t hurt the soil. Tool path could be sickle -> scythe -> powered trimmer. I think many players would find this useful. 2: Vehicle mods: Off-road tires: Improves vehicle speed/control off road. Bumper/Grille Guard: Increases vehicle durability. First tier can be from pipes and the second from iron/steel. Players can now hit zombies and small obstacles with less damage to the vehicle. Different suspension (?) types: Raised – better on roads, slower up-hill; Low – slower on roads, better up-hill. 3: A truck. For example, the soviet GAZ-66 “Shishiga” – a great truck for the apocalypse. Legendary all-terrain-ness and great storage potential. Would be great for looting-centric players! 4: Weapons. Over the course of the game, the player accumulates a lot of Magnum ammo, but there are only two weapons that use them – the Revolver and the Desert Vulture. Once the player gets automatic weapons, handguns get used a lot less and the ammo becomes basically dead weight. I’d like to add an automatic weapon that uses Magnum ammo, for example the good old Tommy Gun! 5: Sleeves (?): I think it would be logical if at least some bullet casings got cycled back into player inventory after being fired. Or even add the event via a mod or perk called “projectile master”, where, once maxed, all casings go back to player inventory. 6: General Tools: I think it would be logical if better tools required less stamina and/or increased output. Right now, up until the gas-powered tier, it’s better to run around with a stone axe because it uses relatively little stamina, work pretty quickly, and can be used for most jobs. Alternatively, add even bigger tools for bigger jobs, like a tractor. Can also be specialized via mods, like for digging pits, building roads, crop collection, etc.
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