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Everything posted by NeekotheFoxx

  1. Summary: When attempting to generate a new world through Random World Previewer, my computer is crashing with the video_TDR_Failure error. Multiple attempts, each attempt failed. Game Version: A21 b324 OS/Version: (Windows 10 Home, Version 22H2 CPU Model: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz 2.81 GHz System Memory: 16 GB GPU Model and VRAM: Nvidia Geoforce GTX 1050 Screen Resolution: 1920x1080 Video Settings: Low Game mode: singleplayer Did you wipe old saves? attempted with both Did you start a new game? unable Did you validate your files? yes Are you using any mods? no EAC on or off? on Status: NEW Bug Description: When attempting to create a world using random world previewer, my computer crashes with the error Video_TDR_Failure. I have attempted to do this world generation multiple times. I have tried it after completely uninstalling and deleting all game files and then reinstalling the game, just deleting the roaming folder data, deleting the settings through the launcher tools. I set the preview to none, graphics to low, dynamic mesh off. Pretty much tried it all and can't seem to figure out why I'm getting the crash. The first two pastebin links are worlds I tried to create that should be identical in every way, seed, percentage of plains vs snow etc. Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: 1) start game 2) do to editor tools 3) select random world previewer and attempt to generate a world with no preview Actual result: game crashes with video tdr failure Expected result: new world to generate Link to Pastebin Output Log: https://pastebin.com/4HiuLu3L ; https://pastebin.com/598zkZWV ; most recent attempt: https://pastebin.com/S2MGUGSh
  2. Yea I turned everything to low in the graphic settings, and in the control panel everything was set to default when the problems started which is why I set it to run specifically through the geoforce thing, that was suggested through something off google as a fix for the video tdr failure. Still not working though. I managed to finally get a world created somehow, but the game still wont load. Im getting the same crash everytime. Ill try to load it again and post the pastebin. I might have to submit another bug report if I cant get this resolved here.
  3. hey thanks for the reply ill give these a try. Im not sure how to do the firewall thing and not sure what you mean by that last part about the gpu. Im not super techy I just figure my way around using google mostly. Would you mind explaining that last part if its not too much trouble? Also does anyone else have any ideas as to a fix for these issues? Is there a way to check if my graphics card really is not good enough anymore or if something else is going on? I love this game and miss playing it and would hate to miss out on all the fun
  4. I tried doing a complete uninstall and clean reinstall, disabling the dynamic mesh options, and monitored my RAM usage and CPU usage while trying to play and this time I can't even create a random gen world. I get that annoying video tdr failure crash from windows, which I've also atetmpted to fix by going through the Nvidia control panel and changing the physx configuration processor from automatic to Geoforce GTX 1050 and Im still not having any luck with anything. Not sure if I just don't meet the graphic requirements even on low settings, but if that was the case then why would I have a graphics failure on world gen with no preview set, it would make more sense to get that kind of error when trying to play the game if I didn't meet the graphics requirements. Anywho long rant, been working on this for a couple days now and still cant seem to find a fix so hopefully yall have some insight. I cant find a benchmark for this game to check requirements against my pc to see if that is really the issue or if maybe something else is going on that I'm just not seeing. Please help! i'd love to be able to paly this game again, I used to be able to play it on this same laptop a couple years back, not sure what might have changed.
  5. Forgot to add pastebin https://pastebin.com/y6wvKYqf
  6. Summary: Game crashing when trying to load newly created game world Game Version: (A21 b324) OS/Version: (Windows 10 Home, Version 22H2 CPU Model: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz 2.81 GHz System Memory: 16 GB GPU Model and VRAM: Nvidia Geoforce GTX 1050 Screen Resolution: 1920x1080 Video Settings: Low Game mode: singleplayer Did you wipe old saves? yes Did you start a new game? yes Did you validate your files? yes Are you using any mods? yes EAC on or off? on Status: NEW Bug Description: Game crashes computer when trying to load game file Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: 1) continued to try and load the game file through 'continue game' 2) game continued to crash with each attempt 3) Actual result: when attempting to load a newly created world, game crashes computer Expected result: game file to load and become playable
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