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  1. Currently, the devs seem to be trying to make the game more "active", and by that I mean instead of zombies just spawning in and waiting for you to alert them, the zombies automatically know where you are once they spawn in from a trigger, like a button or something. Unfortunately, this kind of kills the whole stealth playstyle. The way things currently are, stealth is pretty much useless in certain POIs like t5 prisons. Instead of having a horde of zombies rush at you once you press a button or open a door or something, have there be a screamer zombie that, if alerted, will summon the horde and they will know where you are, etc. like it currently is. But if you kill the screamer, the zombies that would have been summoned as a horde that knows where you are instead spawn as sleeping zombies that haven't been alerted yet. This would make stealth actually usable again for all the POIs. Just to be clear, I'm not saying replace all the triggers with screamers. There are situations like when entering the main loot room where it is appropriate for the zombie horde to be triggered by your presence and rush at you. That makes sense, it's the final loot room and it's supposed to be a big battle. But when just progressing through the poi triggers the horde which knows where you are, it makes it pretty much impossible to play stealthily, and this ends up completely ruining a major playstyle. I hope The Fun Pimps both see this and take it into consideration. Thanks for reading. Credit for this idea goes to Abrogator on the 7 days to die discord server.
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