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  1. I assume, like most settings, this would be togglable? I myself see this as being nice to spice up a lot of lategame files, but I could see this being problematic if players are used to the rather calm nature of the world (at least in the forest biome) outside of blood moons/wandering hordes. Bit of a tangent, but I would also love a similar toggle for heat and heat effects to be possible in the 1.0 release, if it is possible to code. Would be greatly appreciated!
  2. I personally wish the heat mechanic was a toggle on the world options (like with blood moon hordes or the like) to suit your playstyle. While I understand the heat mechanics are neat from a survival perspective and I do like working around them in the early to mid game, I really don't like them lategame when I'm trying to build structures and the like. I feel like it throws a wrench to a lot of my build plans and (in my opinion) are not very fun to workaround with somewhat cheesy-ish solutions (like stashing all of your workstations a distance from your main base). For instance, I built this area (named The Dewroom tm) that I made for funzies. I absolutely didn't need it given how it's a solo world and I needed 3-4 tops, but I thought it would be neat to make a silly build themed around it. I can't really use it now without luring screamers constantly, especially since it's a bunker-style base and they keep digging on the surface.
  3. This is my first post so I hope I'm putting this in the correct forum I've been enjoying Alpha 21 quite a bit lately, playing well over 100 hours these last 2 weeks. One gripe I've always had in Alpha 20 that is still there, however, is the ammo crafting bundle. For anyone who is unaware, the ammo crafting bundle is a tier completion reward that gives 100 gunpowder, buckshots, bullet casings, bullet tips, and paper. The problem is that I cannot see anyone ever taking this in 99% of occasions when there are so many better rewards to choose from (why would I take the bundle to craft shotgun shells, when I could, for instance, take the auto shotgun bundle for both a significant power increase and get 100 shells from said bundle?). Alpha 21 ironically further hindered it's usefulness, because now you can outright just take the crafted ammo as a normal quest reward. I suggest that the bundle be reworked to better give more adequate resources at the current stage of the game. I have 2 proposals: Option A: Keep the bundle as a trader completion reward, but allow it to be tiered and greatly increase the amount of resources you get from said bundle. -The tier 1 bundle would give you 500 of each "main" resource, allowing someone to craft a reasonable amount of ammo in exchange for forfeiting the other potential rewards. -Every tier above 1 would give an additional 500 resources, totaling up to a total of 3000 if you opened up the tier 6 ammo crafting bundle. -It would still be a "chance" bundle to get, not guaranteed quest rewards like the water filter/bike I still don't think many people would take it then, but at least it would have a more justifiable reason to be taken. For instance, you could take the T1 ammo bundle if you already have a bike and don't need the guaranteed water filter. Option B: Remove the bundle from trader tier completion quest rewards, but allow it to be found in end of dungeon/infested chests -The tier 1 bundle would give you 100 of each "main" resource. Every tier above 1 would give an additional 100 resources, allowing for a maximum of 600 in a tier 6 ammo crafting bundle. -The bundle in end of dungeon chests would not spawn in tier 1-2 POI's, until your gamestage is high enough. It would start (normally) appearing in Tier 3 chests, gradually becoming more likely to spawn up to tier 5 where it is an ~50% chance. -Infested chests both allow you to find the bundle normally in tier 2 infested POI's, and are much more likely to spawn. In particular, a T6 infested POI chest would have a 100% chance of containing a tier 6 ammo crafting bundle. As for how to differentiate between the various bundle tiers, I would say the bullet icon on the front could be color coded to match the tier (in particular, using the colors of the infested cache, as all [Or I think all] 6 of them are unique). Anyways, that's how I feel I would adjust the bundle to be more suited as a reward for later stages of the game, compared to very early on. I hope it can be adjusted in the future, since it's not exactly in a fun spot right now, especially as a tier reward.
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