Greetings & salutations. New player here, playthrough with GF terrified of zombies, day 90ish in progress.
Unlike some people here, I'll try to be constructive.
1. Damn some of you are such spammers/trollers. TL;DR and @%$#ing contests. Admins should get rid of off-topic or semi-off-topic essay writers. 274 pages, could have easily been 50 with 0 loss.
2. Biting zombies. I'd love seeing some Either as a special type ("Gnawler") or as a %chance heavy attack/normal attack when they come too close. Guaranteed infection + bigger damage.
3. Why is there sooo many bones/skins? I mean, is there anyone lacking ever?
4. Trees should not grow so fast. I understand some biomes are lacking in trees, but come on. This way you'd have to plan ahead more
5. Any chance for:
A. zombie kids? (Smaller, weaker, faster). If Dying light can have them...maybe they'd be of the biting kind - easy to kill but fast moving + infectious if they bite you.
B. Random zombie appearance (as in, different hairstyles, attire...I guess that would take some coding, since now they are just textures and this would make them...modular? How difficult would this be to make? How CPU intensive?)
C. Fire being used more effectively? For example, flamethrower traps that use gasoline, methods of lighting them up for longer periods/more hp loss (cause right now the burning shaft mod is kinda pathetic). Seeing how now we have fire implemented, would be a shame not to use it more.
D. More non - humanoid threats? For example spiders, something in the water to make you want to traverse it asap (zombie electric eel shocking you hehe), and maybe a mole-like threat being unearthed as you dig a mine, the deeper you go the bigger the chance you let one or even a bunch of those critters out... I really love how birds behave, stalking you above before attacking you - or not, they just circle menicingly. Wish there was more wildlife out there, both regular and zombified.
E. Zombie pheromone. Makes you "invisible" to zombies for x duration. Dropped from high-end targets. Does not work vs animals, and should that happen, wears off vs zombies as well, as soon as you are hit.
I apologise for the length of this. Hope you find some of it of value.