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Mr. Perfect

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Everything posted by Mr. Perfect

  1. Hmm, they don't have updated timestamps, actually. Steam put the update somewhere, but I'm not sure where. Ah, that would explain it then! Thanksgiving has to be dealt with before I can try the correct command, but here's hoping. Thank you both! I'll report back later.
  2. Hey all, Need a little help with updating a dedicated server from 21.1 to 21.2. This is the process I used: Shutdown dedi Ran Steam CMD command to update 7D2, which spent a lot of time downloading steamcmd.exe +login "%STEAM_USERNAME%" "%STEAM_PASSWORD%" +app_update 251570 +quit Started dedi Ran dedi command version which still returns 21.1 B16, clients also have to downgrade to 21.1 to log in. I've tried rerunning the SteamCMD update command a second time, but it tells me the app is already up to date. What am I doing wrong here?
  3. Oh really? Hmm, I guess we just knocked them out faster in A20. We used to run Crack-a-book Tower and get one or two screamers, but in the new T5 prison we'll have about 4 (with hordes) around the perimeter wall by the time we reach the cafeteria.
  4. I suspect rushing is a MMORPG player's way of looking at things, where the real content is at the end game and the leveling is a mindless grind you get through as fast as you can. Not that 7Days is like that, I'd say it's more of a journey-instead-of-the-destination kind of game.
  5. If it helps explain this any, I've noticed that screamers now call other screamers in A21. In A20 I never noticed screamers call anything but other zombies, but in A21 they (and their horde)end up growing exponentially. One screamer calls another, they both call again upping it to four, etc. We ended up with more zombies outside of a Tier 5 Infestation banging on the walls to get in then there was inside the T5 Infestation. Possibly intentional now?
  6. @faatal What is the math behind the skill magazine bonus find from perks? How much does it increase with multiple points in a perk? A friend has a new method in A21 where you max out the perk that adds a find bonus for a given magazine, then when you get up to 100 magazines use a Fergettin' Elixer and max out the next magazine perk. I thought that would just mean he'd be working on magazines in series instead of in parallel like I'm doing by spreading points around multiple perks, but he's blasted past me in every magazine. I've got about five magazines that are all middling in progression, but he's got five maxed out at the same level. It certainly seems to work, so I'm wondering how the math scales. Linearly? Faster?
  7. Ah, ok, thanks for explaining the process. What hardware should we all be buying to handle that? Extra large caches, along the lines of the X3D Ryzens? Faster RAM?
  8. Sorry to bring up old topics again, but the new DirectStorage 1.1 release might solve that processing speed issue for you. Anandtech did a great little article on the 1.1 version, but here's the bits that would probably interest you. Like you said, Unity would have to do the work of adding DirectStorage to the engine, but it sounds like something 7 Days would benefit from. Maybe give your Unity rep a nudge?
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