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Thug Hunter

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  1. @faatalWhat ended up taking the most time or caused the most bugs trying to implement features during this update? My prediction is Performance and Optimizations and the Networking Improvements or was a lot of work done for things to be introduced in A22
  2. @faatal Could you explain this to me? One thing I noticed about 7 Days is the fact that turning the graphics down usually doesn't have an impact on performance on high loads such as lots of zombies or uniquely place bocks placed by the player or removed. Matter of fact, my GPU would be more utilized by the game under less stress (less blocks and zombies) which would yield more frames despite the graphical setting I was at. So what I assume is the rendering loop is the same as the game loop for calculations? So the game won't render until its done calculating all the blocks and zombies? Cause it doesn't matter how much I turn down the graphics or how low resolution I make the game. After reaching 40 zombies or destroying and placing lots of blocks. I would get a performance decrease despite the graphics settings being high or low. Or it would be very minimal that it would not make a difference. Also the game seems to do fine with 30 zombies, but anymore zombies give exponentially less performance in frames, and some zombies would not respond to the player as if there is a hard limit. So is all the zombie pathing calculated separately or together? And if all these cases previously shown has something to do with how the game was initially made, how hard would it be to rework how pathing is calculated and how the game loop works. I don't know how your games works fully and I could be wrong, I don't know much about unity or use unity. So take this with salt because the point I'm trying to get is the less hardware your game needs to run, the more people can play it, but that also includes the ability for the game to utilize all of the processing power of the hardware.
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