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  1. Prior to the implementation of A21 one of their listed systems they had in place was durability degradation from repairs which was connected to the items related crafting skill. Repair an item and it lost maximum durability with each repair. The higher your crafting skill for the related item the less durability was lost. So originally the gear system might've made items more disposable than they currently are. It seems that was scrapped at some point so now we have an over abundance of crafting materials in a system where items are mostly permanent progression, often times gotten without crafting at all.
  2. I don't think the developers intended for the game to be PvP oriented and probably aren't actively looking to balance it. This game has always been a mostly PvE co op style game with PvP as an after thought. Similar to Warframe and it's conclave mode. Rather than wasting resources balancing for PvP, modders can instead implement their own balance changes and put them up for servers to use. That'd be the best option.
  3. That's not what that sentence was meant to imply. I meant there's an idea of how it's meant to work VS the reality of it. As for the rest of this comment. I don't play on nightmare speed*. When I said running I meant the point of the game where pretty much every zombie you encounter is feral or radiated. And I'm not arguing against the rest of the INT tree. It's strong and I like it. I'm arguing that it's combat is janky, even if we take into consideration that it's not meant to be great in the first place.
  4. Never said it was your imagination. You're putting words into my mouth. The only thing remotely close that I said was we have differing opinions. I've also been playing INT and 7 days in general non stop since A21 including Co Op playthroughs with a friend running STR. With the co op playthrough it was on survivalist but I otherwise only play insane. And the moment most of your zombie encounters are ferals and rads INT starts to struggle. Everything is running 24/7, blasting passed any sort of turret defense you set up, and you're left running around Scooby Doo style trying to pick off zombies while bobbing and weaving hoping those RNG roles kick in. And sometimes they just don't. Sometimes you get a lucky 1 tap on the first hit, other times you might end up beating a bear down from 100 to 0 with light attacks cause it never triggers a dismemberment or insta kill. STR build though? Man just absolutely destroys everything in his path. He's killing zombies just as effectively as baton does when it gets good RNG, but his melee weapons don't rely on it. And when things actually get tough he can pull out a shotgun and 100% annihilate any group of zombies regardless of how stacked they are all while being a tough nut to crack. Now you may try to argue that you can also run a shotgun. But this whole argument is build VS build. And in no world can an INT build with batons and turrets pull off the same feat. And I think that's fine. Again, I'm not saying INT needs some crazy damage like a stacked STR build with an auto shotgun or stacked Fort build with an M60. I'm only saying since its combat revolves around CC and lockdown that for that purpose it's lacking.
  5. I didn't say the stuff was unviable for content. Anything is possible with knowledge and planning. I'm talking about if it's actually good at what it's meant to do and whether or not it's enjoyable for the average player. And it's at this point that we're not agreeing. I think the idea is there that you can keep zombies locked down while the turrets put in work. But I think it's janky as hell and just doesn't live up to the fantasy. Zombies can easily bypass the turrets, especially the sledge with how bad it is, and the stun baton doesn't get off nearly enough shocks to keep things at bay either. The robot turret is decent but it is no dedicated firearm. The only thing that I like it for over a conventional ranged option is the ammo is cheap to craft. My take in a nuttshell is that INT's combat is unique and a breath of fresh air the game could use but ultimately still needs ironing out.
  6. 2 that I've come across so far are the back garage door of the post office in the new Appliance Co. POI and then the underground bunker door in the Fort Quonset POI. When first interacted with without activating a mission to reset the POI these interactable buttons are inactive. Not a huge issue as both doors can be pickaxed around but there may be some POI's out there that have the same issue but might have much stronger materials preventing alternative entry without a ton of time.
  7. Strength weapons have the advantage of high knockback and high upfront damage. What the baton does through RNG rolls the club and sledge do normally. Sledge also can easily get multiple enemies at once. Strength also has the advantage of being considerably tankier thanks to their heavy armor skill. As for blades and spears I can't say much on them aside from they deal decent damage. Maybe they could use a buff but frankly I haven't used them enough this patch for proper comparison. However I don't really care about the damage. What I more care about is the CC. Stunning enemies is necessary for rolling those RNG checks and keeping them off of you as well as letting turrets do their thing. As for your idea that turrets can do the work for you. Sledge turrets are frankly just terrible. They have an unbelievably narrow field of view and with no collateral hits it sucks even worse than the baton with crowds. I've legit seen bears consistently side step them by running around them so close that their models clip into them and they still don't activate. There's also a bad start up delay where it won't attack for like a second or 2 after placing so it's really bad for reactive situations. Would've been a way better design had they made it an AOE turret similar to a mobile blade trap but with sledge hammers. As for the robot turret I don't have many issues with it. It's pretty good but it's not holding back a strong group of mobs as well as the glaring weakness of being countered by demolishers. And that's on relatively normal settings. If you're running nightmare, which I guess the developers might not be balancing for which is fair, then you can forget about it. But it still doesn't compare to a proper end game firearm with it's appropriate attribute. Shotguns especially I think outclass every other firearm in the game, though I could be wrong about that. That's why I'd really like to see is a higher tier baton with better reach, faster CC application, and maybe a new mod that gives innate nerd tats instead of needing candy for it. Stun repulsor is funny but if there's a mob that you really need to keep locked down like a bear then having it fly away from you is not the play. But being able to stun a whole group is game changing.
  8. I apologize. I fixed it. Not sure what the root cause was but I went back and reset everything again by removing vortex from nexusmods and resetting my launcher settings again. One of those 2 fixed the issue and it's now properly reading my from appdata folder.
  9. Switched to experimental for a bit and came across this problem. Now the game only stores and reads from this "Program" folder in the C drive which causes error messages to pop up when I start up windows saying it needs to be renamed. Even after switching back to stable A21 it's still storing and reading from the Program folder. If there is no folder it'll just create one. And moving any files to the normal appdata folders doesn't work either.
  10. If it's actually in the pipeline then I'm fine with that. Looking forward to it.
  11. The intellect tree offers some pretty unique combat options but they're very limited as well. Once you upgrade from the early game and can use stun batons + robotics it feels really nice being given these cool new toys to play with, especially compared to the relatively slower jump up of other trees. But unlike the other skill trees you never go beyond that point aside from finishing the tech junkie books and getting quality 6 items. It'd be nice if intellect could get some T3 items. Supposedly from what I've been told the TFP intended for the intellect tree to be a supporting role so I could understand being weaker in combat. However I feel like, at least with batons, there's definitely room for improvements without breaking that concept. One of the stun baton's major issues is the inability to deal with multiple fast moving zombies at once. If they pack together very closely you can potentially get off a group CC but if you're being approached from multiple angles even with the tech junkie buff to charges you can still get beat up pretty easily. Or in other cases the zombies are running together from the same direction but are spread out just far enough to where the zombies further behind avoid the CC that hit the zombies up front and then they manage to get to you. A T3 baton that could improve the stun baton and fix these issues would be great. Lower the damage further, increase attack speed, and make the CC effects go off more frequently. Potentially add the stun proc to every hit. The intellect class isn't great at killing them but it becomes even better at keeping them locked down or from getting to people with the guns. Hopefully it's something that could be considered for future content updates. Thank you.
  12. Even with friendly fire turned off these effects can still hit players. The Sledge turret can be used directly by holding it and using it on another player. This actually causes a few other bugs as a result. The Stun Baton's repulsor effect does the same but you can't hit a player directly. Instead they have to be standing either near you or a zombie you're hitting when you hit something for it to go off. The second one in particular has pretty much completely stopped the ability for me to participate in a melee fight with my buddy in co op. In some cases it's really bad such as knocking him off the roof of a skyscraper POI despite him standing behind me while I was meleeing zombies. In other cases this can actually cause someone to ragdoll inside of blocks like when I stunned him in our horde base and he got trapped in the wall.
  13. Things like damage bonuses from Miner 69er or gathering bonuses from Motherlode. I think it'd be annoying if only the crafting aspect of the tool related perks were moved over and you'd still be strong armed into specing for perk builds that you don't want just to cut the grind down.
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