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Posts posted by Izayo

  1. 12 hours ago, Black_Wolf said:

    oh wow i didn't know you could implement custom reload animations in the game, excited to try it out!

    Alter gave me a simple code to remove holdtype hands in first person view

    for people who wanna test Akimbo Demo CZ-75s here 


    hands and guns are fully animated by me so it's not good as you expected , feels free to give a feedback or suggestion


    - disable EAC

    - do not reupload this to any other site (for community test only) If I see this file got reupload anywhere , say good-bye to future contents


    future plan for 9mmpack :

    - Akimbo Class : dual pistols with high ammo cap and durability trade off with bad accuracy at long range  , high recoil and no sight/scope attachments

    - Akimbo Revolver animation 

    - Akimbo Auto pistol with drummag animation

    - all SMGs will move from Gunslinger perk to Machinegun perk because it's very OP to recieving gunslinger damage bonus perk (+100% damage) 


    credit :

    - closer_ex for Customparticleloader

    - Alter for sound override script

    - Guppycur


    I have to finish 7.62 pack update first then I'll come back to 9mm. 


  2. 22 hours ago, Nemo3777 said:

    Hi there, was this ever updated for A21? I have downloaded both V3 and V2 Vanilla Expansion, tried them together, separately etc and it throws constant console errors when I load in to my A21.2 save... I downloaded the Izayo 9mm pack and that worked... 

    no update for VE ,

  3. 17 hours ago, Black_Wolf said:

    Hey Izayo, i think i figured out why the gunshot volume is so loud sometimes.

    It depends on the ammo type you're using, for instance, the super penetrator slug will reproduce the sound of the shotgun (louder) based on the amount of zombies you hit with it. Same goes with the Fragmentation slug, but to a lesser extent.

    It can be a bother but i don't really mind, i'm leaving it here just in case!

    I think they meant the normal fire sound. I'll add less loud sound pack in the optionals. update this sunday. this is will be the last update (I hope so.. )

  4. 3 hours ago, Atimus said:

    Yes I believe that is the problem, I may remove an older gun mod I had and just use the new shotgun pack. I think I know which one is the problem. It's the tactical weapons mod by viper.https://7daystodiemods.com/tactical-weapons-a21/ It's gotta be. That's the only other one. 

    I bet it's aa12 or saiga12, I'll change the name in v3.1 so you can keep both mod together

  5. 2 hours ago, Napoca said:

    I installed this mod on a server I have hosted at HostHavoc - I get these msgs in the log file - is this just more of an FYI?


    Trying to load from folder: 'A21_Izayo_Firearms_Shotgun_packVAL'
    2023-12-09T12:54:11 1.338 WRN [MODS]     A21_Izayo_Firearms_Shotgun_packVAL/ModInfo.xml in legacy format. Please consider upgrading to V2 for future compatibility.
    2023-12-09T12:54:11 1.340 INF [MODS]     Loaded Mod: A21IZYfirearmshotgunPV (1)
    2023-12-09T12:54:11 1.340 INF [MODS]   Trying to load from folder: 'A21_Izayo_Visible_Mods_mod'
    2023-12-09T12:54:11 1.340 WRN [MODS]     A21_Izayo_Visible_Mods_mod/ModInfo.xml in legacy format. Please consider upgrading to V2 for future compatibility.
    2023-12-09T12:54:11 1.341 INF [MODS]     Loaded Mod: IZYVMM (2)


    I also get this error;

    2023-12-09T12:54:13 3.814 INF [MODS] Loading localization from mod: A21IZYfirearmshotgunPV
    2023-12-09T12:54:13 3.814 WRN Localization: Entry missing a key! Please check Localization file. Skipping entry...


    I do have the V3 and Quick fix applied both on client and server side.


    Thank you - we enjoy your mod...

    if you get Please consider upgrading to V2 for future   in yellow text, it's fine I also get that message and it's not affect anything.

  6. 1 hour ago, Atimus said:

    I also tried installing the mod after starting a new save without it and loading it that way. It did not work either. Same error. It tells me that maybe another mod's sounds XML is conflicting with this one. I don't believe I'm running any others in particular that modify the sounds of the guns firing. Idk. It's probably a mod conflict, but for some reason the game works just fine only when I remove the shotgun pack. 

    sounds like you're using another gun mod that is using the same sound (name) as this mod. 

  7. Alright I have fixed all of the problems you guys mentioned above  

    how ever I want to release it along with the Optionals as v3.1 in this sunday , a little delay because I found so many missing textures for the low_setting variants at least 5 guns

    fixed list :

    - bolt action shotgun reflex sight missing textures

    - XM-12G  missing red dot texture in reflex sight (low_setting mode)

    - M870 police missing red dot texture in reflex sight (low_setting mode)


    but here quick fix for v3 

    - fixed quest reward ammo

    - explosive round are craftable now



    3 hours ago, Seafire said:

    I updated to v3 and it works fine but I ended up with 2 model 1887 one t1 and the other t2, and my model 1897 was upgraded from t2 to t3

    good to know , I lost all of my T3 ,T4  but I'm rich so it's not a problem

  8. On 12/1/2023 at 8:40 PM, Black_Wolf said:

    Hey Izayo! I just found the bolt action shotgun in the loot and hell it's so satisfying to use, however, i think there's something wrong when equipping the red dot sight... The 2X scope is perfect. And yes, i do have all the needed files installed (visible mods mod, particles etc)


    alright I will fix this ASAP.


    On 11/30/2023 at 11:02 PM, Seafire said:

    is it possible to upgrade from V2 to V3 on the same world save?

    not sure but I can continue my save no problem , but do a backup before you try

    some of the guns disappeared or changed to something else, but it's not a problem for me.

  9. 7 hours ago, MrSamuelAdams said:



    The only thing, 
    I may be the only one. I feel like the volume of the guns are super loud compared to the other guns in the game. Is that intentional? 

    the sound mostly came from 2000s games,  like l4d2  , Gmod , CS mods . not sure if it's too loud , but for me it's normal.maybe it's because I grew up with these game.

    Sound resources are rare , I can't make multi variants for it .  not every sounds are usable,   

    - the first one are usable but still too long it's need to be below 2 sec. for a shotgun that has fire rate below 130

    - the second one are unusable it will does clack! , tick! noise at the end of the sound , I'm not a sound guy so I don't know what cause this



    most of the sounds I find look like the second one. 

  10. 9 hours ago, BFT2020 said:


    Not sure, I would have to see your original code to see where the original issue was.  Some possibilities could be:


    • Wrong unlock name in the schematic
    • Wrong unlock by name in the property
    • Hidden character / wrong character


    I got red error messages in the workbench on my crafting mod, the issue was tied back to the Unlocked by property that I didn't update for my changes.

     the recipe are same as the other, but since you mention something about "Schematic"  it make me realized that I forgot to remove this line in item.xml  


        <property name="UnlockedBy" value="explosiveAmmoSchematic"/>


    now it's working fine, thankyou again sir. 

    5 hours ago, reizor11111 said:

    Я пока буду использовать V2, потому что игра ругается на V3/Ошибки и консоль. 


    I used translate and it said you got error when the game start right?

    seem like you did not turn off EAC ,  


    and yes I made saiga12 become T1 weapon because I like the original AK shape , wood and steel  




  11. 50 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:


    This code should work.  I didn't know the exact recipe you wanted for the shells, so I just copied and modified one that you already had in your files.


    items file

    <item name="explosiveAmmoSchematic">
        <property name="Extends" value="schematicNoQualityMaster"/>
        <property name="CreativeMode" value="Player"/>
        <property name="CustomIcon" value="ammo12gExplosive"/>
        <property name="Unlocks" value="ammoShotgunExplosive"/>
        <effect_group tiered="false">
            <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="ammoShotgunExplosive" operation="set" value="1"/>
            <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="GiveExp" exp="50"/>


    recipes fie

        <recipe name="ammoShotgunExplosive" count="1" craft_area="workbench" tags="workbenchCrafting,learnable">
            <ingredient name="resourceForgedSteel" count="1"/>
            <ingredient name="resourceGunPowder" count="6"/>
            <ingredient name="resourceScrapPolymers" count="1"/>


    Thanks . but do you know what cause this? , I got red errors about workbench crafting or something.

  12. V3 Update 27/11/2023

    - rework balance and weapon classes

    - allowed all modification for all guns

    - added new guns

    - added new particle effect for immersion 

    - added new ammo type (Explosive round) , and merge token shot flechette's ability into 1 ammo type

    - added some blocks , 2 gun storages , 2 ammo storages , 1 poster

    - added models for ammo drops and carrying models


    know bugs : 

    crafting Explosive round will popup unkow red error so I take it out from crafting (still can be found in loot and trader)


    Optional will be upload in few days (still testing)


    Have fun no more update / only bug fix and balance adjust

  13. 3 hours ago, reapervenom10 said:

    My friends and I have multiple servers up all with the same mod list, everything is identical. When on my server everything works perfectly but when we play on their saves I get error messages for the 762 weapon pack. Any ideas what this could be?

    so you continue the old save after install this mod? . I would recommend to start a new save , Since I did messing up something in progression.xml 

    try start a new world and see if you guys get any error.


  14. 14 hours ago, Worrun said:

    Excellent mod well done, it's a new staple on our server - HOWEVER - can you please make a version where the guns are a little quieter? They are extremely loud

    best I can do is make them use vanilla game's sounds . Im not gonna re-import/export all assests over again it will take a whole month to do.

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