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Status Updates posted by pApA^LeGBa

  1. I am having a problem with infinity, it won´t accept my appdata location. I am 99,99% sure i pasted the correct path into the pathsetting.txct. Am i missing something in my 7daystodie roaming folder, as it´s a brandnew installation.



    1. stallionsden


      Hi pApA


      OK as infinity requires a definite path to the right folders you will need to first run the game thru steam first.  This will put the necessary folders in the appdata/roaming/7daystodie folder.

      So your 7daystodie folder in appdata should have many folders in it.


      If this isn't done then infinity will give the save folder not found error.



    2. pApA^LeGBa


      Ahh i never started it with steam, only with the shortcut, thatwas the problem. Thx a lot. :)

    3. stallionsden


      No worries at all.  A player on the discord actually worked that 1 out a couple days ago so great full for that to be able to pass onto others to.

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