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  1. About the tags.. yes, that's right. I just experimented and I gave only 'Origin' a tag, Marlene worked in my game (apart from the white mesh. But you said we could use a different shader). Ofc there are more, but.. I was lazy : D If you were helped in Discord, then you don't really need any help here anymore : ). I hope there are new zombie replacements soon, I really can't see the old ones anymore. these same-looking zombies over and over again... But I saw in a post that different textures are now being worked on. That should bring some variety into the game https://steamcommunity.com/app/251570/discussions/0/3800527029405918219/
  2. Hello : ) You've probably figured it out yourself by now? I was curious and tried it out too. I haven't dealt with it yet, but I have created a drone so far. So I had a different error than you when exporting Marlene, but maybe this will help you: I think it has to do with the bones tags. I noticed the 'origin' is important. It should have the tag 'E_BPBipedRoot': https://i.imgur.com/MqpFJes.png Maybe more bones too, idk.. If you don't have the tags, you can copy them here: https://pastebin.com/MrWqJ0g5 (open the file TagManager.asset in YourProject/ProjectSettings/ and paste into it) And the second problem I saw is the jiggle script. all scripts with a public variable are important. the jiggle script also has public variables (public variables then appear in the Unity Editor) Here is the script: https://pastebin.com/ExxHU94n Paste into the file jiggle.cs (YourProject/Assets/Scripts/Assembly-CSharp/Assets/DuckType/Jiggle/) Maybe you found out more? I would be interested.
  3. Hello : ) Changing a 3D model is a bit of work. But you could simply swap the model with another one. The one with the eye is called Marlene, there is another similar zombie (same animation names etc) called Darlene: https://7daystodie.fandom.com/wiki/Infected_Mother Because the eye really triggers you, I quickly made a mod so that you see Darlene instead of Marlene. If you're still interested at all https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Ug_1ysd1Wg9Uo3zQVbWF0GbZb6bIlYth/view?usp=sharing
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