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  • ERR NCSimple_Serializer (ch=0) EXC Memory stream is not expandable


    Summary:  Walking up to a modded drone, having at least 2 storage mods causes this error. I think... Everytime I get away from my drone, everything works normally...


    Game Version: (A20.4 b38)

    Platform: (PC)

    OS/Version: (Windows)

    CPU Model: (AMD Ryzen 7 1800)

    System Memory: (64 GB Computer)

    GPU Model and VRAM: (nVidia GTX 1080 8 GB)

    Screen Resolution: (3440 and 1440)

    Video Settings: (High)

    Game mode: (MP client + RWG)


    Did you wipe old saves? (No) Update from A20.3 to A20.4 b38

    Did you start a new game? (No)

    Did you validate your files? (Yes)

    Are you using any mods? (No)

    EAC on or off? Tried it with on or off, makes no difference


    Status: NEW


    Bug Description: Walking up to a modded drone, having at least 2 storage mods causes this error. Removing the drones, their mods, and it works again. This happens since my update to newest Experimental. Everything was working fine on 20.3 (non Experimental) I am running a dedicated Server on another computer. Output file is from Server. There is no recent Output file on my computer who is client(non-server) There is no "GenerationInfo.txt" I have been looking for over half an hour... This is a map from Alpha 20.2 something.


    "Insert image from URL." doesn't work for me, so I am putting a link here from imgur: https://imgur.com/PIDpeEh

    Second screenshot: When I try to reconnect immediately after getting that first error.

    Pastebin for "map_info.xml". https://pastebin.com/FsNQPkpc

    Pastebin for "output_log-dedi__2022-04-16". https://pastebin.com/HCFhjN5C


    I don't mean to be offensive in any way. I am just frustrated after 5 hours of resetting my character and trying different things to "fix" my problem (and nothing helps). Also thank you for fixing turrets falling through blocks!


    Detailed steps to reproduce the bug:


    1) Mod drone with at least two storage mods and packing it full with stuff

    2) Place drone run around for about 2 to 3 hours

    3) ???


    Actual result: (description of what is occurring)


    Expected result: (what you expect to occur)


    User Feedback

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    One of the players has very same error as described above. But now, I have got an error message:

    Failed writing 3. package to Stream (cl=EOS_00027688462b445c9dcac079eb973965, ch=0): NetPackagePlayerStats - stream size before: 2096736, requeuing. Packages in stream:
    2022-04-16T12:43:57 18848.996 WRN    NetPackageEntitySpawn: 1
    2022-04-16T12:43:57 18848.996 WRN    NetPackagePlayerId: 1

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    I am having no success reproducing this issue with the repro steps posted.

    Have you validated your files for both the server and client after updating to the experimental branch?  If not,  please try that and see if you still have the same issue.

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    17 hours ago, chikorina said:

    I am having no success reproducing this issue with the repro steps posted.

    Have you validated your files for both the server and client after updating to the experimental branch?  If not,  please try that and see if you still have the same issue.

    Hi there!


    Yes, I did! Reverting to previous version (Alpha 20.3) and everything works fine again. This bug seems to be connected to drones. If I remove the drone causing that problem, it works fine again (if you exclude people and vehicles falling through floor and other bugs).

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    There was a fix for multiple cargo mods not being able to be set on a drone via drag and drop,  so that is probably what is causing the issue for you.  

    I tried playing on a dedi for a few hours with a drone with multiple cargo mods out,  but did not have any issues.   I will continue testing again today.  


    The output log for the client should be in %APPDATA%/7DaysToDie/logs folder.  It may help if you could post that as well.

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    Just want to add that you don't need two cargo mods. My drone with a medic mod & one cargo mod started throwing the same error after being deployed for a few hours.

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    So, I am getting this error on my server.
    But, I don't think anyone has a drone yet as I wiped yesterday.

    My most recent log has 33 mentions of this error.

    I would love to send a log file, but they are to big for pastebin.

    Contact me and I can send you one via snail mail.

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    Yeah, I'm locked out of my own dedicated server with it. I tried deleting the drone save files, it's still keeping me out. Anyone have an idea on what other files I should be killing?

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    i have same errror .. memory stream unexpandable.. (paraphrasing) also in log on ly one entery stack overflow.. cause.. well i did it on my own home dedicated server.. it happened after hundreds of hours of play  also there was something being shut off (showed on console)  the only symptom of this in  game play other than consol poening with error messgage.. is that forever after my E key ( or its current binding) no longer functions.. i can run around shoot do everything i want except interact with E key.. (cannot open things cannot get on vheicals etc)  so i tried realoading game i tried rebooting computer.. i tried verifying files and folders for game and nothing helps..   if i exit and rejoin.. everyting works for 2 seconds.. then the error pops up again and once again a disabled E key.  so i left my hundreds of hours game.. and joined a public server.. where after hundreds of hours.. it popped up again  (i have about 9,500 hours playing this game.. and this only happened twice (or 100% of the games i have played in this latest experimental patch.  something in your experiment broke the game)  the exact same error.. afer close to the same amount of time..   its to me like a file got too big.. and so the memory stream cannot ber expanded limit was reached.. shuttind down whatever listens to the E key making the game unplayable.  I havent associated this error with drone  most suspect thing to me is sheer play time and thus file size.. of whatever files keep track of game progress.  again a reload of game.. the error is not existant.. till i do something in game then within 2 seconds bam the error..  also there is a slight roll back on reload.   solution is not to play latest experimental.. and pray.. what ever it is in the latest experimental gets fixed.. or all future versions of the game will chrash about 200 hours in.. destroying all your hard work ...   i have a ticket in on the same error .. but cant find it.. they probably not happy with info provided.

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