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  • Switching toolbelt item with scroll wheel will sometimes stop before the scroll wheel

    • Version: V1.0 b309

    Summary: Switching toolbelt item with scroll wheel will sometimes stop before the scroll wheel

    Game Version: V1.0 V309
    OS/Version: Windows 10 Pro
    CPU Model: i7-7700K
    System Memory: 64 GB
    GPU Model and VRAM: nVidia GTX 1080 Ti / 11264 MB
    Screen Resolution: 5120 x 1440
    Video Settings: 2560x1440, windowed, popupwindow, almost everything high, reflection quality medium, SS reflections medium, DoF and Blur off, Temporal AA
    Game mode: SP NAV


    Did you wipe old saves? No
    Did you start a new game? Yes
    Did you validate your files? Yes
    Are you using any mods? No
    EAC on or off? off


    Status: NEW


    Bug Description:


    When using the scroll wheel to switch items the game will randomly stop after only a few moves.


    Detailed steps to reproduce the bug:

    1) Start new game

    2) Swipe the scroll wheel (requires a scroll wheel that doesn't immediately stop)

    3) Repeat 2 a few times


    Actual result: (description of what is occurring)


    The selected toolbelt will sometimes act as expected, and sometimes it will stop after moving just a few spots while the scroll wheel is still scrolling.

    Expected result: (what you expect to occur)

    The selected toolbelt item keeps moving until the scroll wheel stops.

    Link to Pastebin Output Log: https://pastebin.com/QfF6ws3D

    User Feedback

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    Are you just flicking the wheel really fast one time and letting it spin like a slot machine?
    If that's the case, there is a speed limit in code for how fast the wheel input is registered.
    I'm using a Logitech G502. If I flick the mouse wheel forward or back really fast, the tool belt position indicator doesn't move until it slows down under the speed limit. Once it starts moving, the indicator doesn't stop until the mouse wheel stops.

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    I'll check if this the cause of the issue I'm having and report back either way. I'll record or clip a video if it doesn't seem to be the case.

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    Guest insect-inspector


    Is there any way to disable or increase the speed limit by any chance? I can't switch to my weapons as fast as I need to

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