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  • [Suggestion] Hanging bodies should become pillars when destroyed

    • Version: V1.0 b317

    Summary: Hanging bodies should become pillars when destroyed


    Game Version: V1.0 b317
    OS/Version: Windows 10 Pro
    CPU Model: i7-7700K
    System Memory: 64 GB
    GPU Model and VRAM: nVidia GTX 1080 Ti / 11264 MB
    Screen Resolution: 5120 x 1440
    Video Settings: 2560x1440, windowed, popupwindow, almost everything high, reflection quality medium, SS reflections medium, DoF and Blur off, Temporal AA
    Game mode: SP RWG


    Did you wipe old saves? No
    Did you start a new game? Yes
    Did you validate your files? Yes
    Are you using any mods? Yes
    EAC on or off? off


    Status: NEW


    Bug Description: 


    Not a bug, but it irked me enough times for me to stop my game and make a report:


    The pillar with hanging bodies should turn into poles when destroyed. I realize it's a 2m Y  block and the corresponding body-less pillars are two blocks of 1m Y, but there are ways around that with and without extra assets. You can see both the block with the body and the normal pillar in this image. The one with the body gets destroyed with a single knife hit, and other one would take multiple hits with an axe to be destroyed.




    Detailed steps to reproduce the bug:

    1) Go to The Wagner Residence

    2) Destroy a hanging body with a knife


    Actual result: Pillar disappears

    Expected result: Pillar remains, but bodyless.


    Link to Pastebin Output Log:

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