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  • Can't Place Blocks Under Ground in Debug Mode

    • Version: 1.0 b309

    Summary: I cannot place blocks under the ground while clipped into the ground in Debug mode, unlike in previous versions of 7DTD


    Game Version: V1.0 b309

    OS/Version: Windows 10

    CPU Model: Intel i9-9900K

    System Memory: 32GB

    GPU Model and VRAM: NVidia 3080Ti

    Screen Resolution: 1920x1080

    Video Settings: Ultra

    Game mode: MP host


    Did you wipe old saves? No


    Did you start a new game? Yes


    Did you validate your files? Yes


    Are you using any mods? Yes


    EAC on or off? Off


    Status: NEW


    Bug Description: In A21 and versions prior, it was possible to use debug mode to float under the ground and place blocks.  1.0 doesn't permit this.  I'm also unable to place bigger blocks to delete invisible colliders (child meshes) left behind from bugged block assets.  Whatever was changed since A21 has also left me with placement spaces I can no longer use that are occupied by phantom meshes (the issue was caused by me changing the MultiBlockDim parameter, which shrank the placement grid on the object) but I could remove those meshes by placing a bigger block (e.g., the 3x3 floorboards or a car) to clip into the phantom mesh.


    Detailed steps to reproduce the bug:

    1) Have a modded asset placed in the world and then edit the XML for its MultiBlockDim to change its placement grid OR have a leftover frame damage state on an object, similar to what happened in this A21 bug report

    2) Try to place any object in the grid after removing the updated object

    3) Note that you are firmly restricted from clipping anything else into the occupied voxel; and that this is also the case when trying to place blocks underground in dm mode with noclip enabled.


    Actual result: Some change made to the game's parameters governing whether a new object placed into a voxel removes whatever was occupying that voxel (invisible or not) has made it impossible to delete blocks by placing new ones over them; and the same issue seems to also be restricting placement of blocks under the ground in dm noclip mode.


    Expected result: In versions prior to A21, it was possible to fly under the ground and place blocks such that it would delete the ground blocks.  In A21, blocks placed in noclip would still occupy the voxel, but so would the ground mesh - creating some issues where breaking the block was required to remove the placed block and the ground mesh.  The use of mods augments this issue because I ran across it while performing QA and hotfixing one of my custom block assets, but as shown in the A21 bug report linked above (and the video linked below) this new issue is affecting even the base game, as it's now impossible to build underground structures in dm mode for creative purposes (without tunneling everything out first) and any potential vanilla issue with residual meshes that are invisible renders an occupied voxel essentially invincible.


    Here's a brief video showing the issue and how it was different in A21:


    Link to Pastebin Output Log: N/A

    User Feedback

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    Being able to place blocks below grade without clearing out the blocks was an unintentional feature. Changes to blocks, multi-blocks, and maybe even RWG has caused this to go away and is not being considered a bug at this time.

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    Thanks for the explanation.  Even though placement of blocks under ground was unintentional, the ability to clip blocks or multi-blocks into bugged objects or invisible colliders was the only way to remove them from existence without totally restarting the world.


    Physics doesn't seem to apply to these invisible colliders (as I've tried removing the ground from under them to collapse them out) and none of the dev tools are capable of destroying them (digger SMG or Hammer of God).  I also didn't have success blasting them out with TNT like in Alpha 21.


    Please consider further investigation on this as there were and are instances in both vanilla and modded games where clipping blocks is required to remove something.  Even possibly adding a dev block or something that can overwrite or void an occupied voxel would be a huge help.  The only way I can fix the issue that led to this report now is to restart the world.

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    It was incredibly useful for making things. Rather than remove then replace, just one stop.  Doesn't sound like much until you're replacing hundreds of blocks.


    It also removed things that could be removed otherwise.  (there is 1 block in front of Bart's Salvage that cannot be built on or removed. Quest marker I think.

    There are 2 garage doors on the building. You can put a drawbridge in front of the right hand door, but not the left, unless it is up 3 blocks.  In line with the right edge of the left door, there is a spot where you cannot place a block.  (No the big sign is not it, nor the road stripe blocks))


    God mode used to not care about this, you could put stuff anywhere. So SOMETHING changed.  It could just be a setting somewhere, and it would be nice to have it back. 

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