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  • Storage disappeared

    • Version: 1.0

    Game Version: (V1.0 b333)

    OS/Version: Xbox Series X 


    Game mode: SP

    Map: Pregen(04k2)

    Bug Description:

    Everything in 1 of my storage crates disappeared.

    I finished a Tier 1 quest, quit game using pause menu because the UI was getting glitchy (im using M&K and controller has to stay on at the same time), restarted the game, went back to base to store loot and everything in 1 of my 3 storage crates was gone (raw materials).

    I have a small base built next to trader rekt not near a poi.

    I have a bedroll and land claim placed.

    I'm sure I didn't misplace or drop these materials it was almost full and now there is 0 items in the crate.

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    2 hours ago, Laz Man said:


    Right now, it appears the issue is isolated to the storage crates that you can put labels on.  Not ideal but these are a couple of workarounds you can try so you don't have to worry about your items disappearing.


    1) Leave your crates unnamed / blank.

    2) Use an alternate storage solutions (e.g. wood furniture which requires nails & wood)


    I've been doing just that and no problems so far. I'm also using the standard wood signs placed on the walls above as labels so that's another workaround for the label bit. Yeah it's makes an early game somewhat tedious grind but it's better than risking the loss of 1 or more storage box's full of loot & resources.

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    On 7/26/2024 at 8:58 AM, Laz Man said:

    For those who had some crates not empty out, were they unnamed?  If so, try leaving your crates unnamed as a test/workaround for now.


    Our team is working on a repro on this issue.  Thank you guys for your patience.

    Are we gonna get our stuff back? This issue is making me really unmotivated to play this game and I have been waiting for years. 

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    We have spent many hours looking at this and have yet to determine why it happens on Xbox. PC/Mac/Linux and PS5 seem fine. Consoles have profanity filter code as required by MS/Sony that adjusts the text. XBox does it very differently from PS5. I think it is a timing issue with tile read/write vs profanity threads, but have yet to see it fail for me. If the name is blank, then no filtering, so if the bug does not happen in that case, then we know it is the filter, else it is something with the read/write code.

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    Guest CreepyNibblz


    Playing on xbox s, day 12, was playing alone and then when husband joined and allied up we made it back to base and all my storage crates said (....) or something like that. 


    We both logged off to see if it would fix itself. When I logged back in alone the boxes are now named correctly but all items are missing. Lost 8 out of 10 boxes. The boxes that glitches were named building, tools, to sell, farming, vehicle, mods, weapons, and clothes. 


    My game has also had the settings adjusted to be easier so im not sure if that would make a difference. 


    Is there a way to load an earlier save or something? Just lost about 12 hours of work. Just wanted to report and provide some info so this can be fixed. 

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    Happened to friend of mine on xbox series x label storage chest I think it the storage chest itself that are bugged because they are brand new to this alpha use storage barrel and safes instead 

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    Guest Killajamesg22 Xbox gt


    Me and a few of my friends are unavailable to change the max player limit from 2 to 4.

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    Guest EdgeWhiteKnight


    Version: Xbox Series X


    Having the same issue. On day 24. A friend and I went to loot a POI. When we came back to base 7 out of 8 texted storage boxes are empty. No name changes. Only box not emptied had some crafted items in it like wood base blocks with a different shape and other building supplies. We've been to a different town for the second trader. Have done quite a few trader missions. Bedrolls were placed. Land Claim was removed about 7 or so days prior. Based was located in a POI. Exited and reloaded game. Issue continued persisting. 


    Hope this helps. Outside of this game has been great. Loving it. Thanks and have a great day!

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    Oh my god this literally just happened to me!! Day 12, went out to collect meat and eggs, abandoned a tier 2 quest and went to put my loot away and my chests are emptied!!!!! All I have is my medical chest, all the others are emptied. I’m so so so mad right now. Games going just fine, found some amazing mods, and now it’s all gone! This needs fixed NOW. No point in playing if everything I get just disappears. 

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    I've had the same bug, came to base seeing half of my storages (...) and empty. Immediately quit the game and loaded back in to see the names back but the storages empty... if my stuff is gone forever it's ill refund this game , too much wasted time .

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    Even worse is when it’s all your water, food and medical supplies stored up for 13 days only to have it gone the day before horde night……… can’t play if this is going to happen. Lost our entire building in the old one. Hopefully they have a fix soon?

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    I have had this bug where everything in my loot container as been deleted this is a game breaking bug not something that should be having with 1.0 I won't be playing till its fixes wish I could get my money back

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    Yeah same thing, day 19 the 3 crates I had labelled gone, very annoying as was food, meds and weapons I have gathered over 19 days, most annoyed about meds and weapon parts.

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    Guest BanditoGamesYT


    This has nothing to do with the crates being named, I recently built my base inside zillion tower near dishong tower in the desert, played for 2 days with my partner on Xbox series S, day 11. Had 4 unnamed boxes/crates, had thousands opon thousands of loot/resources/ammo, came back to my base to do a refill, lost everything. Not only that, my entire base foundations were destroyed, my farm, forge, everything, I bought this game for full price and spent 48 hours doing this only for this to happen, if I could get a refund I would because I spent the last remaining amount of money on this instead of groceries for the week, thanks after 7 years of waiting. I cried my eyes out of the progress lost

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    Guest EdgeWhiteKnight


    8 hours ago, Guest EdgeWhiteKnight said:

    Version: Xbox Series X


    Having the same issue. On day 24. A friend and I went to loot a POI. When we came back to base 7 out of 8 texted storage boxes are empty. No name changes. Only box not emptied had some crafted items in it like wood base blocks with a different shape and other building supplies. We've been to a different town for the second trader. Have done quite a few trader missions. Bedrolls were placed. Land Claim was removed about 7 or so days prior. Based was located in a POI. Exited and reloaded game. Issue continued persisting. 


    Hope this helps. Outside of this game has been great. Loving it. Thanks and have a great day!

    Also: On Pregen8K04

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    If you make a base on a POI and you start a quest in that same POI. It causes it to reset. This could be a probable cause? It does warn you in the quests Tab where you complete actions for a reward 

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    Guest BanditoGamesYT


    Hi again. I never started quests, this isn't a quest/trader or even land claim issue. This is regarding chunks and respawning loot, how the devs did not check this for consoles is beyond @%$#, still I feel for everyone else who have lost progress.

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    15 hours ago, Guest BanditoGamesYT said:

    This has nothing to do with the crates being named, I recently built my base inside zillion tower near dishong tower in the desert, played for 2 days with my partner on Xbox series S, day 11. Had 4 unnamed boxes/crates, had thousands opon thousands of loot/resources/ammo, came back to my base to do a refill, lost everything. Not only that, my entire base foundations were destroyed, my farm, forge, everything, I bought this game for full price and spent 48 hours doing this only for this to happen, if I could get a refund I would because I spent the last remaining amount of money on this instead of groceries for the week, thanks after 7 years of waiting. I cried my eyes out of the progress lost

    That does not sound like the same issue with empty storage chests as the only thing changes with that bug is the loss of what was inside the chests. That sounds like chunks being reset. Chunks reset based on the Chunk Persistence setting unless there is a bed roll, land claim or players being in the area more often than the timer. Did you have any bedrolls or land claims near them? Did you place bed rolls in another area (there can be only one active)? What is persistence set to? Were both of you away from the area for an extended amount of time?

    Edited by faatal (see edit history)
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    I don't know if there is a big bug prob but after switched all my storage out and then trying to find something good to loot to get back all I lost. I noticed one of my saved  locations u can put on the Map and name was the same way. Like this [...]  


    I'm not sure if it's affecting anything atm but thought I should let u guys knows.


    One more thing. When I had gotten over run by zombies I was swinging wildly after dieing from zombies. Responded in base and my weapon I was using was gone.

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    Also after looking farther in to it. It's the names place by game on the traders. Also on other traded name same way. Sorry for multiple post

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    lost 2 crates in a base made from scratch. Huge let down I was having so much fun but I guess I expected to much from a game that’s been getting updated since 2013? If you guys are charging money for this game I expect it to be running correctly, you have had more than enough time guys. 

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    Guest BanditoGamesYT


    8 hours ago, faatal said:

    That does not sound like the same issue with empty storage chests as the only thing changes with that bug is the loss of what was inside the chests. That sounds like chunks being reset. Chunks reset based on the Chunk Persistence setting unless there is a bed roll, land claim or players being in the area more often than the timer. Did you have any bedrolls or land claims near them? Did you place bed rolls in another area (there can be only one active)? What is persistence set to? Were both of you away from the area for an extended amount of time?

    Had a base inside zillion tower POI near dishong tower, had a land claim block down and a bedroll, when out looting to the canyon giftshop where tazas red ax is, came back and all my storage crates filled to the brim with loot were gone, my bedroll had despawned, my land claims were gone, my farm was gone, all the blocks I placed gone, 


    I don't understand how you devs can't figure this out, you had this same problem a few years ago on PC, why can't you just fix the chunk/despawn problem and patch it to Xbox consoles, I've seen people complaining about the same problems I'm having on forums and YouTube. 

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    Similar to everyone else, only I never reset. I have a base I built on my own. It's near the first trader but not too close. I have a land claim box and a bed roll. I had about 16 crates doubled up on top of each other in a row of 8. I also had some other storage immediately to the right of those. About 75% of the crates got their contents deleted and were renamed (...). I accepted a quest from the trader and traveled 1.7 km away to complete the quest. When I came back the deletion had occurred. I hard quit the game. (Home button, press start on the game in home menu, and exit from xbox menu) I hoped it might have gone back to before the crates contents were deleted. When I loaded back in, the crates had all their names restored and I thought it was a fix. All the items were still gone however. Much bummer. Md5 all over again. 

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    On 7/26/2024 at 9:58 AM, Laz Man said:

    For those who had some crates not empty out, were they unnamed?  If so, try leaving your crates unnamed as a test/workaround for now.


    Our team is working on a repro on this issue.  Thank you guys for your patience.

    I just had the same issue last night all my chest of labeled and I came back to my food chest that was completely full of random food and seeds, completely empty with 3 dots where it said food before

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    This just happened to me Day 19,


    Was doing a fetch quest on the way back picked up a air drop, Headed into base to unload all but 1 crate (mods) empty, 19 hours of 4 players work completely gone all resources ammo weapons the lot, Had just renamed the crates and organised the base half hour prior ! Xbox player. This is really unacceptable and a game breaking bug, Us Xbox players spent 7 years after purchasing a previously heavily broken and abandoned game to give it another try but yet again the games been released entirely broken. This needs fixing 

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