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More Options for Zombies


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Hello, i am a huge fan of this game or at least i would be. i have a couple huge problems that i feel can be easily fixed in a way that makes everyone happy. are you the kind of player who enjoys the bullsh%t and futility of building and grinding and building and grinding making a beautiful base just so a mob of super zombies can tear it all down? well im not. but i understand that there are folks who enjoy that kinda game play. what i propose is a couple more options, give players the option to disable special zombies. a classic walking dead type apocalypse for the less ambitious gamer. and an option to make zombies block breaking realistic IE: zombies can break glass, wood, light scrappy materials but CANNOT BREAK things like concrete and steel. having these options available i believe will allow for a bigger player base as it welcomes everyone to play however they want. oh and maybe make it so the land claim also acts as a no-zombie-spawn zone. i love this game and i want to help make it awesome for everyone.

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Never been a fan of "special" zombies, too much of a canon break for me. Options for large normal zombie hordes is top of my wishlist and would add far more to the game than puking cops destroying everything just because!

Expanded options would give more choice and more freedom to tailor the game to meet your preferences and keep so many more people happy.

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I have also thought about it. A realistic mode.

The easy way would be:

-quite the specials

-They only can die for damages in the head.

-Damage to walls degraded excessively, but if they are many can demolish stone walls (incremental damage bonus)

-more number of them.


Although it could be improved if some of they

-wore armor, (just like military dead men)

-or they could also carry weapons and shoot randomly,

have you heard the phrase - are you more dangerous than a monkey with a submachine gun? well that XD

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I would like some variety in zombie HP so they do not all go down predictably. Have some real bullet sponges, but not all. Have some that move a little quicker (or slower) than others, or in different movement patterns. Failing that I think more zombies but with less health would be much more enjoyable.


As for specials, they can bring fun. Right now a basic wandering horde is a an EXP conga line for me, but I fought one recently that had a few Spiders in it, and it was really fun.


Or how about a zombie that gives an aura buff to those near it so you really need to kill it first?


- - - Updated - - -


-Damage to walls degraded excessively, but if they are many can demolish stone walls (incremental damage bonus)


This is already how A17 works.

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