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Quick question relating to Ferals/Nuclear Zombie Sleepers


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Hey there guys!


Been playing A17 Experimental with my streams community on our server.. some people were asking if its worth investing points in improving sneaking. We noticed no matter what level we are... Nuclear zombies and ferals (I think thats the name for the zombies with the glowing eyes and can run during the day) are spawning in houses all the time now.


I warned them I think the ferals/nuclear zombies just always automatically wake up and sneak won't help... But maybe I'm wrong on this and I'm super curious actually. Do they generally just set off and wake up even if your sneaking? Or would it be useful to get the sneak perks.


My other question is why nuclear zombies are showing up for some of our level 1 users who go do looting and nobody else is on the server. Perhaps could be some issues with our server settings? Or perhaps its experimental and the spawning is a bit off, but thought to ask about that as well!


Thanks a lot for any info on these two things!

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Stealth is king in A17, and very much works on ferals/radiated zombies. Late game with maxed stealth perks and you can almost hug sleepers without them noticing you while it's dark. Obviously can't get as close with lower levels, but still very much works.


Just need to be sure you don't accidentally walk up on random half-block obstacles that make you play the 'falling' noise when you walk off of them, because it's loud as hell.


Edit: Should also mention, while sleepers very oblivious, awake zombies are much more attentive. As such, certain noise levels won't wake sleepers, but it can and will very much pull any nearby awake zombies to where they heard you.

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Hey there guys!


Been playing A17 Experimental with my streams community on our server.. some people were asking if its worth investing points in improving sneaking. We noticed no matter what level we are... Nuclear zombies and ferals (I think thats the name for the zombies with the glowing eyes and can run during the day) are spawning in houses all the time now.


I warned them I think the ferals/nuclear zombies just always automatically wake up and sneak won't help... But maybe I'm wrong on this and I'm super curious actually. Do they generally just set off and wake up even if your sneaking? Or would it be useful to get the sneak perks.


My other question is why nuclear zombies are showing up for some of our level 1 users who go do looting and nobody else is on the server. Perhaps could be some issues with our server settings? Or perhaps its experimental and the spawning is a bit off, but thought to ask about that as well!


Thanks a lot for any info on these two things!


I don't think I can fix your problem, I can give some advice on taking down Irradiates/ferals:


1. Scrap or Leather armor at a minimum offer pretty considerable defense. Don't go into a poi unarmored. Raiding a building is tough, dangerous business, and you don't need to worry as much about mobility and stamina like you do running around in the world smacking trees and rocks. Between Leather armor and a couple points in Pain Tolerance, you can reduce most damage to the sub-10 range, which is quite survivable.


2. MMO tactics. Pull the special zombie to a safe place to engage it with a bow shot. If it's VERY much alone, a rifle shot will do.


3. Heavy melee attacks. Even unperked, you can do quite a lot of damage with an iron fireaxe, but the important thing is melee attacks are both quiet and have a chance to stagger or knock down opponents, which stops them from attacking you.


4. Perk for surviving. Generally, first priority is to INT for equipment, but second priority should be FORT for simply not dying. Fast Healing 3 is a BIG get. Glass cannons don't live long.

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