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[Request] Zombie block damage.


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I'm not sure if there's a packaged mod for it or not, but I do it for Reddit's TWD server by using Grim's UAE and modifying the Models 5 file in the game's assets. You can change the damage the zombie attacks / hands do to just the blocks, while leaving the entity / player damage alone.
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Ah okey, does not sound to hard to figure. Only problem I got now is I cant find the models 5 file, downloaded the whole server folder from my server and tried with just searching for it. In case it was hidden so I also did show hidden files. Either im doing it wrong or could fibreservers have some limitations.
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[QUOTE=VarmSvartKaffe;85564]Ah okey, does not sound to hard to figure. Only problem I got now is I cant find the models 5 file, downloaded the whole server folder from my server and tried with just searching for it. In case it was hidden so I also did show hidden files. Either im doing it wrong or could fibreservers have some limitations.[/QUOTE] Ah, yes you're doing it wrong =/ :) So you need to grab Grim's Unity Asset Editor (UAE). You also need the "resources.assets" files from the "7daystodie_data" folder. Open the "resources.assets" file with the UAE, sort by name, find "Models_5", right-click and Export as XML. Create a copy of that XML file for a backup. Edit the XML with Notepad / Metapad / Notepad++ to make the changes desired. To reduce zombie damage against BLOCKS ONLY, you need to edit each zombie hand attack, (cop hand attack and vomit projectile as well). There's a block damage attribute for each. Just reduce it from it's current number to one you'd like. When done. Save the XML, then go back UAE, right-click on "Models_5", and import the XML you just edited/saved. Go to the File/Save As and overwrite the "resources.assets" file. Upload that back to your server (make sure your server is not running first!). Once the upload is done, start up the game server and you should be good to go. :)
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  • 3 years later...
Hi. I hope someone can help. I try to import resources.assets using Grim's Unity Asset Editor, has stated above and UAE keeps crashing. I'm using windows 7 ultimate 64 bit with service pack one. I tried running UAE has admin with no change. Does anyone know how to fix this. Thank you. Edit. I just found the error and here it is: This application has requested the runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information. I have no idear how to put this right.:upset:
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You do not need UAE for block damage. Changing that is super easy with NotePad++. Go into 7 Days/Data/Config and open "Items.xml" Do a cntrl-F search for the word 'hand'. Look for all instances of a 'hand' item, apart from handPlayer. Look for the Block Damage property on each and change them. Not all of them will have a unique Block Damage property, if one doesn't it will simply do the default damage from the handMaster item. Tada! All mobs do modified damage. Either less, or preferably MORE!!! Muahahahaha [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] This thread is years out of date.
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