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Beyond A17


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I love A17.

I am having a blast playing it, simply stunning

Does finding A17 awesome make me the enemy of those that don't.... not at all.

Can I put my money where my mouth is... absolutely.

During A15, on request, I made a mod for casual Romero style RPGers.

For A16 I made it public.


And if TFP doesn't accommodate such players and real modders don't beat me to it... I will do it again for Gold.


TFP could have opted out from upgrading to Unity 5, and we would have had an embellished A10 a long time ago, but it would have no where near the capabilities of this extended development path.


This engine is freakin awesome, what can and will be done when it is complete will satisfy everybody from the most hardcore to the most casual.


Have faith young padawans... in time, all will be good.

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Thank you DEADication and all other modder's (not sure of the plural spelling lol)


The modders have given me a lot of fun times on 7d2d and made the game varied and interesting ways to play the game.


I look forward to playing your mod in a17


Thanks again :)

Sorry, I probably won't be modding again until Gold.

At this point I can't devote the time for both modding and testing and having free time (I have a small time studio operation).

But certainly, if at Gold, these playstyles haven't been covered, I will put the time in.

The dev cycle should be significantly faster from this point.


Sorry to disappoint for A17 :(

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Sorry, I probably won't be modding again until Gold.

At this point I can't devote the time for both modding and testing and having free time (I have a small time studio operation).

But certainly, if at Gold, these playstyles haven't been covered, I will put the time in.

The dev cycle should be significantly faster from this point.


Sorry to disappoint for A17 :(


Well appreciate your previous work and hope all goes well for you :)

a16 is still alive and I can always edit a few xmls in a17 for a bit of a change of pace etc;)

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(not sure of the plural spelling lol)


Since you at least seem concerned with doing it correctly, I'll be that no-life forum grammar nazi: It's "modders". And generally the apostrophe is not used for plural forms, except the word already ends with an s. Yes, that includes acronyms and abbreviations and initialisms. (Though that seems to be heavily debated.)

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Actually after my last attempt at dead is dead, I am thinking something may need to be done sooner than Gold. I will see how things stand at A17 stable and if digging zeds are as problematic as they are now... I will negate them.

It's no derision of the pimps vision at all, I really really like A17, it has pushed 7DTD back to being my all time favourite game, and I think it is frickin awesome.


George may make an A17 appearance yet.

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