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can someone help me change the volume of the chainsaw and auger


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can someone tell me (in detail) how to lower the volume of the chainsaw and auger that is played through the speakers

the sound is too loud and causes audio clipping when I have the game turned up so I can hear the quiet sounds in game. also its annoying the viewers that watch the stream and cant hear me talk when using them unless I turn the game volume down


I already figured out how to extract them with UABE and I could just edit the volume levels but how do I get them back in game


also is there a way to do this with the xpath so I dont have to redo all this every time there is a new patch

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hmm, sounds.xml is just for stealth idk if its a hardcoded thing but you could take the sounds out by editing items.xml. That's what I plan to do cause they get stuck on in server. One person will sound like they are using the auger or chainsaw even if they get rid of it. :offended:

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