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Server Query format A2S_INFO


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Is there a published description for the response provided by the server for the A2S_INFO packet? I'm specifically looking to figure out how to extract the current game time of day...


There seems to be some Base64 encoded data at the end of the packet which might contain this info, but I have no idea how to parse it.



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To partially answer my own question, the A2S_RULES packet contains a plain text key-value pair called CurrentServerTime which you can do some math on to deduce the day and time of day in the game.


That said, the A2S_RULES packet requires a challenge/response prior to requesting the actual rules packet, and it returns 54 other key value pairs, making this a slightly more difficult and taxing request than the A2S_INFO packet... So I'd still like to see the format if anyone knows it.

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