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My 5 penneth on A17 experimental build


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=Before I make this post I'm just going to point out the fact I KNOW it's an experimental build, so I'm not going to do the stereotypical "DIS SUKZ" comment that most people do, but just some things I'm pointing out personally, nitpicks / good points / badpoints etc~=




. Graphics have improved 10 fold, the trash bags waded everywhere no longer look like squares and the new lighting is nice


. Arrows can be picked off of corpses and if you hit your own arrow they split (felt like robin hood n all dat jazz)


. More cautious exploration (feels like houses cave in more, means "you watch where you be goin son")


. Distance gunshot sounds (Sounds a lot more real, when I heard a gunshot from far away it had that muffled-ness to it)


. Animations (For sure a whole lot better, lot more believable and no more wooden animations)


. Terrain (Terrain is a lot smoother polygon wise)


. Physics (The physics certainly have had a much needed improvement)







. The new graphics mean minimal FPS, even on a high end rig, barely 30fps (choppy, even on medium settings)


. Terrain feels, plastic....y?.... (Hard to explain but some outdoor textures feel too clean)


. Backpedalling feels like it's gone (Walking backwards during a fight seems harder and is a lot slower)


. Zombie knockdown time is minimal (knocked a zombie down and it quite literally only finished the falling animation before getting straight back up. About 0.5 seconds at most of actual ragdolled -out time-)


. No zombie loot (Like this one hasn't been said before ah? ;P but it's bugging me a little as I know there IS still zombie loot but it's a lot rarer, sometimes it was nice if you got infected and were on your last legs but you got lucky and found honey)


. SEVERE lag inside almost any and all housing (The game became unplayable after entering any building it became that laggy which is upsetting, wanted to get cozy and build up on my house but FPS says no)


. Stamina costs to everything (Even aiming down a gunsight which seems a little off, if it was a sniper, then yes, I could understand, but a pistol costing stamina to aim down the sights seems a bit, un-needed)


. Sounds (Was hoping for updated gun sounds and possibly zombie sounds, gun sounds when you fire still seem a little tacky)


. Difficulty balancing is HORRIBLE. (Day 2, oh, you've only just started? How's about 5 rabid dogs to gnaw you a new ass and there's no possibly way you can fight against them? Sure! why not!)






=This is all for now, if I continue to play more of A17 I'll for sure update on this, but of course, this bit's for the devs=


- I wanna thank the devs of this game for continuing to update this game, and I know you've put a hell of a lot of time, effort, dedication and passion to update this game. Honestly the new graphics and animations feel like I'm no longer playing the same game due to how good they are in comparison to the older versions, this post is in no way bashing the game, as it's a game I hold dear to me, just some "whut i fink" tid bits. So, keep up the good work devs, love ya muchly, hopefully we'll see more soon!

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No lag whatsoever.


=Before I make this post I'm just going to point out the fact I KNOW it's an experimental build, so I'm not going to do the stereotypical "DIS SUKZ" comment that most people do, but just some things I'm pointing out personally, nitpicks / good points / badpoints etc~=




. Graphics have improved 10 fold, the trash bags waded everywhere no longer look like squares and the new lighting is nice


. Arrows can be picked off of corpses and if you hit your own arrow they split (felt like robin hood n all dat jazz)


. More cautious exploration (feels like houses cave in more, means "you watch where you be goin son")


. Distance gunshot sounds (Sounds a lot more real, when I heard a gunshot from far away it had that muffled-ness to it)


. Animations (For sure a whole lot better, lot more believable and no more wooden animations)


. Terrain (Terrain is a lot smoother polygon wise)


. Physics (The physics certainly have had a much needed improvement)







. The new graphics mean minimal FPS, even on a high end rig, barely 30fps (choppy, even on medium settings)


. Terrain feels, plastic....y?.... (Hard to explain but some outdoor textures feel too clean)


. Backpedalling feels like it's gone (Walking backwards during a fight seems harder and is a lot slower)


. Zombie knockdown time is minimal (knocked a zombie down and it quite literally only finished the falling animation before getting straight back up. About 0.5 seconds at most of actual ragdolled -out time-)


. No zombie loot (Like this one hasn't been said before ah? ;P but it's bugging me a little as I know there IS still zombie loot but it's a lot rarer, sometimes it was nice if you got infected and were on your last legs but you got lucky and found honey)


. SEVERE lag inside almost any and all housing (The game became unplayable after entering any building it became that laggy which is upsetting, wanted to get cozy and build up on my house but FPS says no)


. Stamina costs to everything (Even aiming down a gunsight which seems a little off, if it was a sniper, then yes, I could understand, but a pistol costing stamina to aim down the sights seems a bit, un-needed)


. Sounds (Was hoping for updated gun sounds and possibly zombie sounds, gun sounds when you fire still seem a little tacky)






=This is all for now, if I continue to play more of A17 I'll for sure update on this, but of course, this bit's for the devs=


- I wanna thank the devs of this game for continuing to update this game, and I know you've put a hell of a lot of time, effort, dedication and passion to update this game. Honestly the new graphics and animations feel like I'm no longer playing the same game due to how good they are in comparison to the older versions, this post is in no way bashing the game, as it's a game I hold dear to me, just some "whut i fink" tid bits. So, keep up the good work devs, love ya muchly, hopefully we'll see more soon!


No problem with fps. Nowhere in any houses.

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=Before I make this post I'm just going to point out the fact I KNOW it's an experimental build, so I'm not going to do the stereotypical "DIS SUKZ" comment that most people do, but just some things I'm pointing out personally, nitpicks / good points / badpoints etc~=




. Graphics have improved 10 fold, the trash bags waded everywhere no longer look like squares and the new lighting is nice


. Arrows can be picked off of corpses and if you hit your own arrow they split (felt like robin hood n all dat jazz)


. More cautious exploration (feels like houses cave in more, means "you watch where you be goin son")


. Distance gunshot sounds (Sounds a lot more real, when I heard a gunshot from far away it had that muffled-ness to it)


. Animations (For sure a whole lot better, lot more believable and no more wooden animations)


. Terrain (Terrain is a lot smoother polygon wise)


. Physics (The physics certainly have had a much needed improvement)







. The new graphics mean minimal FPS, even on a high end rig, barely 30fps (choppy, even on medium settings)


. Terrain feels, plastic....y?.... (Hard to explain but some outdoor textures feel too clean)


. Backpedalling feels like it's gone (Walking backwards during a fight seems harder and is a lot slower)


. Zombie knockdown time is minimal (knocked a zombie down and it quite literally only finished the falling animation before getting straight back up. About 0.5 seconds at most of actual ragdolled -out time-)


. No zombie loot (Like this one hasn't been said before ah? ;P but it's bugging me a little as I know there IS still zombie loot but it's a lot rarer, sometimes it was nice if you got infected and were on your last legs but you got lucky and found honey)


. SEVERE lag inside almost any and all housing (The game became unplayable after entering any building it became that laggy which is upsetting, wanted to get cozy and build up on my house but FPS says no)


. Stamina costs to everything (Even aiming down a gunsight which seems a little off, if it was a sniper, then yes, I could understand, but a pistol costing stamina to aim down the sights seems a bit, un-needed)


. Sounds (Was hoping for updated gun sounds and possibly zombie sounds, gun sounds when you fire still seem a little tacky)






=This is all for now, if I continue to play more of A17 I'll for sure update on this, but of course, this bit's for the devs=


- I wanna thank the devs of this game for continuing to update this game, and I know you've put a hell of a lot of time, effort, dedication and passion to update this game. Honestly the new graphics and animations feel like I'm no longer playing the same game due to how good they are in comparison to the older versions, this post is in no way bashing the game, as it's a game I hold dear to me, just some "whut i fink" tid bits. So, keep up the good work devs, love ya muchly, hopefully we'll see more soon!


Very much agree! Well as for the Zed loot... I killed like 96 or so till I got my first zed loot drop and it wasn't even memorable! Wasn't till like 112 till I got the 2nd and it was a pistol, about 3 rounds and something else... That %2 gotta go!!

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