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Anyone know if there is there an xml to edit the effects difficulty has?


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For example allowing me to remove the damage modifier for damage done TO zombies while keeping the damage increase?


Essentially remove damage sponginess but keep their increased strength.


I've looked through the XMLs after editing various other things like crop growth time but I can't find anything on difficulty settings except their impact on gamestage in the gamestage XML. Are the damage modifiers hardcoded?

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For example allowing me to remove the damage modifier for damage done TO zombies while keeping the damage increase?


Essentially remove damage sponginess but keep their increased strength.


I've looked through the XMLs after editing various other things like crop growth time but I can't find anything on difficulty settings except their impact on gamestage in the gamestage XML. Are the damage modifiers hardcoded?

In entityclasses.xml, an entity's "health" is defined with lines like this:


<property name="MaxHealth" value="150"/>


There you also find properties like this:


<property name="HandItem" value="handZombie"/>


This refers to an item in items.xml, where you find a property that decides the entity's strength:


<property name="DamageEntity" value="10"/>


It's best to leave the difficulty at default and play with these values. Increase the damage significantly and leave the health alone to create dangerous zombies that are still easy to kill.

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