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Alpha 17 server...by name only


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Tired of waiting for Alpha 17. Decided to name a RandomGen server "Alpha17" just to encourage developers to get it finished. Here's hoping that the real deal comes out before we get tired of this map.


Many tweaks (more flowers, more chances of finding ore, different terrain blending, less water, more intense 7 day hordes that last through the night, etc).


Highest difficulty PVE but only run at night. Longer days and....it's Valmod Compo with bigger backpack.


Help us to survive or go on your own on our extended map. Need help? We will help you to get started and answer any questions. Newbies more than welcome.



Look up our server "Geek Gaming" and join the fun!


We are on discord under Geekgaming - https://discord.gg/Qnjh9zf


Geek Gaming

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