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Wandering Hordes on custom servers

Phantom Incarnate

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I have a server I run using 7D2D RAT that I am looking for help regarding "wandering hordes". I honestly detest the concept that the AI always know where you are and can head in a straight line directly towards your position destroying anything in its way. I like a challenge, but I like it to be reasonable.

My question is, is there a way to disable wandering hordes and night hordes from blindly knowing where you are? I don't wish to rid the zombie count, only prevent the ones that already know where I am located from spawning.


In the spawning.xml I changed the

<entityspawner name=RoamingHordeSpawnDay' dynamic="true" wrapMode="wrap">

with the dynamic to ="false", along with the Night spawn, however they still generate and aim for my house.


At the same time, is it possible to keep a reasonable zombie count generated around the map in exchange for the roaming hordes?

Any help is strongly appreciated! :)

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Don't think of them as hordes bee lining to your house, think of hordes happening EVERYWHERE, and ALL OF THE TIME, and the ones you see are just because they are the ones you see.


...but to answer your question, look in both gamestages.xml and entitygroups.xml for your inspiration.

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