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Ps4 multiplayer conecction error


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Hi Leonix12,


This is an issue that a number of PS4 players have reported over the past week. We are continuing to look into what may have caused this (No updates were pushed on our end).


Players have found the following steps have helped (Taken from thread: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?63585-PS4-No-connection-to-the-Playstation-Network&p=641118&viewfull=1#post641118):

Go to Settings --> Application Save Data Management --> Save Data on System Storage --> 7 Days to Die - profile settings and save data are stored in there. Delete Settings Data (smallest file in this directory) and then try reload the save.Go to Settings --> Application Save Data Management --> Save Data on System Storage --> 7 Days to Die - profile settings and save data are stored in there. Delete Settings Data (smallest file in this directory) and then try reload the save.


Before you do this though, please back up your save to avoid accidental deleting as this did occur for one player.


If you continue to have issues, please let me know.



Edit: while we are chasing this, would it be possible to know your region / location and ISP provider? I am trying to find the common factor in this issue.

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