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Game will not start again : NullReferenceException: Object reference not set ....


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Game crashed. On attempting to restart I got an the "XmlException: Document element did not appear.Line 1 position 1" error so I followed the steps given before (deleting/renaming serveradmin.xml) On attempting to restart again I get a LOT of errors on the start screen which terminate with a large number of :NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object" errors. I am attempting to add the output log with the name > output_log - Copy27-Error-on-restart.txt Suggestions welcome. If this is already known and posted somewhere, please tell me how I should search for such things before bothering everyone else with my grief. Thanks. -D
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Hi, if you can upload that output log to a site like tinypaste so some of the techies can read it might be helpful. Hate to give this advise as it is not the best, but can often fix many issues, have you tried to reinstall the game, assuming no other fixes worked? Also I am assuming you drivers are all up to date and your hardware meets requirements. Would you be using Windows 7 or 8 or another os? and 32 or 64 bit? Some of this info might be able to help some trouble shooters assist you better. But as you wait, my advise is, if you have the time, and dont mind it, uninstall the game. Restart the PC. Then reinstall the game. See if that fixes it. [COLOR="silver"][SIZE=1]- - - Updated - - -[/SIZE][/COLOR] This link may provide some help as well. http://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?206-General-Problems-Solved-LOOK-HERE-BEFORE-POSTING-ISSUES&p=1742&viewfull=1#post1742
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I will attempt to post it somewhere. The original problem is that, towards the end of the OutputLog, there is an error: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at GameManager.Update () [0x00000] in :0 >>>>>>> Above error is then repeated numerous times (when removed, the OutputLog file size dropped from 12.7MB to 128K >>>>>>> I have attempted to post the 128 K version at TNY. My title is "7DTD OutputLog for NullReferenceException" and the TNY ref is [url]http://tny.cz/0bd7f90a[/url]
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Thank you for sharing the output logs, I am sure this will help one of the community members who deals with these issues to hopefully narrow the issue and have a fix. On a side note, I found another output log with the same error or very similar as yours [url]http://pastebin.com/cdd04tk0[/url] However no word on if that person had his issue fixed. Hopefully this will get resolved for you soon.
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Hi, i don't know if this is the issue but i noticed that the log says you're playing version 9.2 (b14) and not version 9.3 (b4 now??). The person who had that problem 7 days (to) ago had already version 9.3 (b4). Maybe a problem with updates and a corrupt or incompatible save? If the actual version output log says also version 9.2 then, please, forgive my words :P
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Hi guys, I appreciate you looking in to see if you can help.....I note that the other chap's error message is similar though he/she is running Alpha 7.8 and I do not see a way of discovering if they put something in this Wiki or in the Zendesk Help system. With regard to the 9.2 / 9.3 version issue I do have a ticket entered in zendesk (ergo: 7DTD Help) asking how I can get mine updated to 9.3. I do not see 9.3 in the available versions through Steam, and Steam is not automatically updating me to 9.3 even though my settings indicate that the game should be kept updated. I am looking for that update because I get Zombie hordes of 50 + hornets EVERY NIGHT !! Which does place a pretty heavy demand on ammunition and site defenses. I will keep my eye out for other suggestions....meanwhile, I have to find something else to play :-(
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[QUOTE=Katxalote;142356]That's weird, you should try to make a backup, deleting all the game (delete local content from steam library, click 7DTD and right click to see that option) and let it download again to see if then you have the updated version. Good luck![/QUOTE] Does this process preserve Saved Games, or am I back at square 1 afterwards ???
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Make sure you are choosing the right save game when you start - don't just click continue assuming the last one you played is on top like it should be. There was a mistake with the rollout of 9.3 (or was it a patch for 9.3) where 2 partial save games were accidentally distributed to all clients - if you try to load one of those save games, it will cause this error. You can safely delete the 2 extra save games if you have them.
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[QUOTE=LeastConcern;142361]Make sure you are choosing the right save game when you start - don't just click continue assuming the last one you played is on top like it should be. There was a mistake with the rollout of 9.3 (or was it a patch for 9.3) where 2 partial save games were accidentally distributed to all clients - if you try to load one of those save games, it will cause this error. You can safely delete the 2 extra save games if you have them.[/QUOTE] That's interesting....but I only have one saved game and have still not found out how to get the upgrade to 9.3.
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Update: Not seeing any other suggestions, I have used steam to delete all Local Content (i.e. uninstall the game). Then I downloaded the game again and tried to run it....at the "select game" screen there are 3 game files now (my original one and the 2 mentioned above that come down with the 9.3 upgrade)...so I selected my game. On the next screen I get all of the same errors again and the game will not run....and here's the new outputlog file: [url]http://tny.cz/14dafdb1[/url] -Dave
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[QUOTE=Nomad_55;142670]Update: Not seeing any other suggestions, I have used steam to delete all Local Content (i.e. uninstall the game). Then I downloaded the game again and tried to run it....at the "select game" screen there are 3 game files now (my original one and the 2 mentioned above that come down with the 9.3 upgrade)...so I selected my game. On the next screen I get all of the same errors again and the game will not run....and here's the new outputlog file: [url]http://tny.cz/14dafdb1[/url] -Dave[/QUOTE] Newsflash ! Deleting the serveradmin.xml file again, and verifying the install does allow the game to boot, and it will let me play an entirely new game...only when I try to "continue" my old game does it spew all of those error messages. Is there a file I can submit that would allow Support to see what corruption took place in that game ? -D
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  • 3 years later...

hi so i am getting this: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. I only get this when i try to spawn a hornet in to my alpha 16.4 game. I took all the files i could find for the hornet from alpha 15.1 game files and pasted them in to my alpha 16.4 files in the correct places. For me in my case this error is to do with the hornet text in the Items document. see bellow. i have two id82 because they decided to take the hornet out of the game and only in this file they reused id82 for another zombie.

<item id="82" name="stingHornet">

<property name="IsDeveloper" value="true" />

<property name="Material" value="organic" />

<property name="Canhold" value="false" />

<property name="HoldType" value="28" />

<property name="Stacknumber" value="1" />

<property name="Candrop" value="false" />

<property class="Action0">

<property name="Class" value="Melee" />

<property name="Delay" value="2.0" />

<property name="Range" value="2.8" />

<property name="Sphere" value="0.4" />

<property name="Block_range" value="2.5" />

<property name="DamageEntity" value="15" />

<property name="DamageBlock" value="5" />

<property name="Sound_start" value="swoosh" />




<item id="82" name="handZombieStrong">

<property name="Extends" value="handMaster"/>

<property name="CreativeMode" value="None"/>

<property class="Action0">

<property name="DamageEntity" value="20"/>

<property name="DamageBlock" value="2"/>

<property name="Buff" value="bleeding,infection,stunned"/>

<property name="Buff_chance" value="0.2,0.2,0.4"/>




Previous to this error it was saying that "name: stingHornet" doesnt exist and i also had problems with the "hand" - the hornets attack.


I really hope someone can help me fix this problem because i have edited a few files (see below) to make the game so much better.


Working oven - done

toilets give murkey water - done

Sinks give clean water when clicked on with empty jar - done

Start with bottle water, canCilli, huntingKnife, torch, landClaimBlock on SP and MP- done

No radiation damage - done


All help will be greatly apreciated thanks

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