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No Feral Zomhies or Cops Spawned on Day 49 Horde


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I have just endured my day 49 horde, and I still have yet to see any feral or cop zombies whatsoever. Not to mention zombie bears, etc. I have never died, had 510 player score before the day 49 horde had began, and was level 62.


Difficulty: Survivalist

Zombies Run: Default

Enemy Aggression: Normal

Daylight Hours: 16

24 Hour Cycle: 50 Minutes

All Modded Options: Default


I am very frustrated that I have spent 40+ hours gathering and scavenging when I could've survived my last day 49 horde with the same defense I had on day 7. The hordes are very underwhelming. When I first played this game awhile ago the hordes were always difficult and out of hand, what has changed since then? Is there something I'm missing? When I look at anyone else's playthrough of this game, they consistently have multiple feral and cop zombies on their day 28 horde. What can I do to increase horde difficulty/bring out higher tier zombies? Thank you.

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I am sorry that you found your day 49 horde underwhelming and completely understand the frustration this can cause.


It is possible the difference between playing a while ago and playing now is the change to dynamic hordes and also preventing all of the horde arriving at once which could cause a large amount of lag in the game for players.


More advanced zombies (Ferals and Cops for example) became rarer and from what I remember one of the changes you may notice is the horde night stops when the required number of Zombies for that night are killed.


The team are aware of a feeling of unbalancing withing the game when it comes to hordes, especially when wandering hordes during the day can be more aggressive or challenging. I believe they will be collaborating with the PC team to find a balance but I will add your information and account to the report to re-address this with the team with regards to how the community experiences hordes.


In the mean time, some players move closer to the hub city / main city on the map to encourage Ferals and Cops to be drawn into hordes or create screamer traps to encourage screamers to call more Zombies on horde night.



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I think I may have discovered the cause of the issue


I moved into the hub city, and upon doing so was greeted by several ferals, cops, and two zombie bears. Thank you for that. I also was able to craft a .44 off of the ferals, and traveled back to my main base outside of the hub city for the day 56 horde. During the day 56 horde I was killin a lot more zombies a lot faster with the .44 revolver. The first 6:00 - 6:30 hours (about 4:00-4:30 at night in game) the horde consisted of regular zombies and a few dogs. Then at 4:00-4:30 a cop zombie decided to show up. I think because the hordes are spread out now to reduce frame rate, this may be impacting the number of special zombies spawning if a slow kill rate is present. Because I wasn't killing the regular zombies as fast before the day 56 horde, the game wasn't spawning much more zombies which means less chance of higher tier zombies spawning. I'm not sure if this is true, but this is my theory. :smile-new:

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I'm glad you managed to find some more challenging enemies :)


Thank you for the details on how you found the 56 horde, I can give these details to the team as case studies from players are always helpful when it comes to things like bugs and re-balancing. Playstyles of players can also differ greatly to playstyles of testers who are investigating.


I personally don't know the indepth details of how horde nights work currently in game, but I understand where your theory is coming from, that later zombie waves may not appear if they night runs out before they get a chance.


Fingers crossed you continue to see the more challenging Zs show up on horde night - if you notice them become scarce again, please let me know.



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