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[xbox] [connection] Multiplayer fلcil to connect

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[Moved from https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?85113-Failed-to-connect-to-Server-XB1 by Clare]


Hello, I has been palying this fantastic game sine 1 year, I had a Internet supplier called "Cablevisiَn" in Monterrey, México, and I never had problems with my friends on usa, and México that had the same supplier, I Just had problems with a friendo that has a different supplier called "telmex". One month ago, by some external reasons, I changed the Internet supplier to "telmex" and now I cant play with the same friends that I played before with "Cablevisiَn", I m almost sure that the problem is someting on the configuraciَn on the mَdem, or in console so I want to try changing ports, to try play. Could yo please give me wich ports use the game to try set something different on the mَdem? Or in the console,

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Hi Guillermo,


I moved your post from the thread it was in to prevent confusion in answering multiple players about the same issue. In future creating your own new thread is best.


There is a thread here with a list of potential workarounds and a port you can try opening - https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?48737-Known-Issue-Multiplayer-Disconnection


If you like you can also give me as much information as possible about your connection using the list below and I'll see if there is any suggestions I can make for you:


Host or Client:

Upload Speeds (while playing the game):

Download Speeds (While playing the game):

NAT type:

Wired or Wireless connection:

Internet Service Provider (ISP):

Router connected to console:

How many console connected to same router:


Thank you,


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