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Will the A17 Linux release be using Vulkan or have an option to force its use?


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Like the subject says! Vulkan is in the version of Unity3D that they upgraded to for A17, so I'm excited as to what rendering improvements that will bring and what the status is of the Vulkan core renderer that is currently in A17. Will it be the default?

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  • 4 months later...
option is already there, at least for Linux users.

It launches, and it goes pink, and it is possible to see a car and stone, earth is black, grass is pink, like most of other area. FPS did show good though...


I was working on my mod and hadn't checked yet, cool! Yep mostly pink for me, too. I read in a few places that the pink texture issue was something that was easy to fix. Have you posted it as a bug? Getting Vulkan working properly would be awesome!

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