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Bugs in game


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[Moved from https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?85126-Multiplayer-bugs by Clare]


I've experienced some bugs on Xbox one multiplayer to. I'm not sure if there multiplayer bugs only or singleplayer bugs to. The first bug is of course the md5 error it's very annoying but I know the devs are working on it though so hopefully it will be fixed soon. Another bug is an audio bug, me and my friend we're killing some zombies on a looting trip and my friend shoots an automatic gun(im not sure what gun it was though) and the sound never stopped even when he stopped shooting. When he would shoot it again it would overlap on the already exiting sound so it sounded like a bunch a guns were being shot all the time nonstop. So I left and rejoined and that fixed it but it was a inconvenience though. Another bug is sometimes when the starter mission that pops up when you first spawn into a world gets to the point where you go to a trader when you get there it won't complete that quest meaning you don't get the points from it and you constantly have a mission in the top right obscuring your vision. I know the devs work hard to bring stuff to console so hopefully these bugs will be fixed soon and the next patch will come soon. ��

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Hi MuscleSpider,


I moved your post to a new thread as your issues are not related to the original issue of the thread. In future please be careful of posting in other players threads off topic. It is also easier for me to address your issues directly from your own thread rather than replying to multiple people at once in the one thread, potentially causing confusion.


I shall address each of your issues in order below...


MD5 error - Just wanted to double check if you know of the items that can help you with this.


- Crash indicators: There are a number of indicators your might spot that a crash is coming. A menu flickering / not displaying. Animals not spawning correctly. A sudden extreme change in weather. - Shutting down immediately and clearing the cache of the console by unplugging for 5 mins and rebooting may help prevent crashes that lead to MD5 errors, however if not done quickly they can still occur.


- Timing: If you know how long it takes, some players time and hard reset their console without a crash trigger occuring.


- Crash Factors: Some things may cause whatever is generating the crashes to build up faster. This can include large amounts of the map explored in a single session, or large modifications made. While I'm not saying to avoid these, as they are at the core of Gameplay, it is worth noting it make have an effect when watching for crashes. Player Ignoringmywife1 mentioned a friend of theirs has avoided MD5 errors by not digging within a few blocks of their chosen base.


- MD5 workaround: If you do experience a crash, there is a chance it will trigger an MD5 error. Aside from keeping items spread out (detailed below) players have found a way to roll back a little on XB1 to avoid the MD5. It should be noted this is not an official workaround so caution is advised when using it. A lot of players have reported success with it however if followed quickly and exactly after a crash https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?69218-Possible-work-around-and-or-solution-to-md5-crashes(base-wipes-resets)


- Storage and Crafting clusters: Separating out crafting stations and storage has worked for some. Multiple chests in the same area would count as a cluster, and keeping storage together near craft-stations seems to increase the chances of the area wipe for some players. It is also worth noting that players find that stations that are currently crafting / cooking when a crash occurs may be more likely to be hit. - This seems to be the most common form of MD5 error at the moment. If you have other focal points that are more common, please let me know and I will pass this information onto the team.


Repeating Sounds - Resetting the connection or clearing the cache of the console (shutting down and unplugging for 5 mins) is the best way to deal with this issue. Triggers for this have been fixed in the past - just to confirm, are you on version of the game?

Did this occur when your friend continued shooting after the clip was empty or did they change weapons rapidly?

Was the sound only audible to the host or to both of you?


Finding a Trader - I have heard of this bug occurring for players. Is the trader you go to the one indicated on the map when the quest appears, or a different closer trader? I will need to double check the reports but if it's not the one indicated by the quest, you may need to approach that one for it to complete. I believe the team are aware of this though. If it is the marked one, did you go in before the tutorial indicated?


If you have any questions or further issues you wish to address, please feel free to add them to this thread. If you can provide any more information about the last two bugs I will do my best to investigate further.



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FYI, I had the repeating sounds bug about a week ago (PS4, local game, day 400 or so). I was shooting with an AK, and I think I switched to another item, but the sound continued. Would not stop, even when going back to the AK and firing. I quit the session, but did not close the game, restarted the save and it was fixed for me.

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Hi TheCheeta - thank you for that info, I know the team were looking into the switching weapons issue, I don't know if a fix was issued for that one, but I will make sure they know it's still occurring either way.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for the info on the md5 issue Clare😀 For the repeating sounds my friend who shot the gun was the host of the game and I was the only one who heard the repeating sounds. I'm pretty sure it was an smg that he shot but not completely sure. I'm on the latest version of the game for console though.

For the trader issue I went to the one the tutorial said to go to and I went inside and talked to the trader but nothing happened to complete the mission. The host of that game was the same friend that I had repeating sounds with. Also I did not go in the trader until the quest said so.

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Hi MuscleSpider, thank you for clarifying those points for me.


Has the host also had their mission stuck? Or did their trader mission complete without issue? Did they happen to visit your mission trader before your mission appeared or before you could try complete it?

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The host completed all the starting missions before I even joined the game. I'm not sure if it was the same trader for the host as what I got though, also I don't know if they had problems with it or not but when I asked about it the host was aware of the bug so it's a possibility.

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