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Failed to connect to Server XB1


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I know this has been reported multiple times but Iwas unable to find a recent thread.

I play the game with 3 other people, 2 with TWC ISP including host (one network, and wireless) and 2 on at&t network (me and my wife), one wireless one wired. Both internet connections are solid, download from 70-100, upload 60-80, 0 packet loss, and minimal latency. Both have a NAT type of open. We have had minimal success in connecting.

Private game with adventurer difficulty.

120 minute days, daytime 18 hours

200% loot

All other settings are default.

Often only 3 of 4 people can connect. The client and host running Time Warner Cable internet can almost always join but many times only my wife on the AT&T can join game but I get failed to connect to server even though we are using same internet. It should be noted that I am running wireless (strong signal) and my wife is running wired connection and she can join 25% of the time. I am also the only one playing off a disk. We have all tried reinstalling game, clearing cache, alternating mac, resetting routers, confirmed routers are updated, and opened all ports that x-box recommends.

One thing that has had varying success is having the host invite me and my wife on At&t internet first and if we connect then invite the fourth person running on the TWC. Hope this information helps. If there is any info I forgot please let me know.

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Hi Grisly25,


I am sorry to hear you are having issue with connecting to multiplayer.


Just to confirm, when you say both connections, do you mean the TWC connection and your at&t connection, or both connections reported by yourself and your wife? Also are those numbers in mbps or kbps? The recommended speed for hosting up to 4 players is 2mbs, however some players have reported playing on less.


I have also heard reports (though can't speak from expirence myself) that in some cases XB1s don't share connections well. I'm not sure how true that is. But it may be worth trying to broadcast the wifi for your console through another device, for example:


Router> wifi/wired > Phone/Tablet/Laptop > broadcast wifi > XB1


For the 4th person joining, are they on the same connection as the host, or just the same ISP but a different connection?



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requested information


Both TWC and AT&T had upload, download, packet loss, and latetency run while playing game in ranges listed above. Measurement is mbps. The last one to get the invite is the host's wife. ISP provider is TWC and they are running wireless conncection.

I do not think I have the ability to run through a wireless device as it will default to the data plan. I will try it to see if it resolves but it would not be a reasonable solution.

I am on the AT&T ISP, wireless connection and the only person using cd. Do you know if running cd adds to the failed to connect to server problem? Thank you for your help.

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Hi Grisly25,


I completely understand that broadcasting may not be ideal for players as a workaround and it is very important to be careful of data usage.


CD / Digital should not make any difference in connecting to multiplayer. I have seen reports of people having similar issues from both versions. Would it be possible to swap your connection and your wife's to see if the connection chances swap? This would possibly help confirm if the issue is more localized or if it is related to the connection as theorised.



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  • 2 weeks later...

connection swapped


Swapped connection with my wife and still had the same problem. She can still get into the game consistently (not always) and I have more problems. Host did switch to his wife's console (same connection stats) and for some reason we were able to get in more ofter.

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Hi Grisly25,


Thank you for checking that for me. That's interesting that the host swapping had an effect on the connection. Can you confirm for me what kind of connection the host swapped to? You mentioned above the host's wife was on a wireless connection, is this still the case?


Sorry if I missed this above, but is there any success in hosting on the AT&T connection at all?



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host swapping


Clare, the host switched the xbox they were using (used his wife) but was using the same wireless connection with open NAT. This did not consisently resolve the problem but decreased the amount of times others could not join with "failed to connect to server, try again later"message. I did have some improvement with changing the port my xbox was using which seemed to reduce the error. Previous port that was automatically selected showed open nat but when running test multiplayer connection option on xbox listed there may be problems. Sounds like it might be an xbox and networking problem but I do not have any issues connecting with any other online game.

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Hi Grisly25,


Thank you for those details and for letting me know where you've seen improvement and what you've tried.


There is a persistent issue with connections that the team continue to investigate which has effected players for some time. There was a fix released but it only solved the issue for about 50% of the players experiencing connection difficulties on XB1, so it appears two issues with similar results were hiding together and solving one revealed the other. Unfortunately the remaining issue appears to be similar to what you're saying, somewhere between the game and connecting online there appears to be a communication issue. All online games connect differently which is why you may find yourself being able to connect with some games and not others. (In some cases players have reported other games along with 7DTD had trouble connecting) - I believe this is why the broadcasting the connection works because there is no direct connection to the ISP provided hardware.


From research I've done (and passed onto the team) it may be related to hardware used and how it is set up - though I cannot confirm that this is exactly the case. The majority of players with the HH5 router from BT in the UK, for example, seem to have an issue, however those who switched to the HH6 or another brand had some success in connecting. The issue is difficult to narrow down because of the the number of elements involved in players connections - Hardware, signal, connection type and severity of the issue for that player to name but a few.


It seems that it is possible that this is the issue you are experiencing. Unfortunately workarounds are limited and I know they are not idea for players. However, despite the difficult nature the team are not giving up on finding a solution to this issue and I am continuing to collect data for them to help them.


You man or may not have seen this post already but I've collected some workarounds that players said worked for them in the body of the first post here - https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?48737-Known-Issue-Multiplayer-Disconnection - I must apologize and correct a previous statement, there is one case where someone mentions removing the disc from their console to prompt re-connection, however as this issue is effecting others in your group with digital copies it may not have any effect.



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