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World reset?


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Hello, my singleplayer save crashed as I was emptying my inventory into a storage chest which has happened before a few times, but this time it reset the poi I was using as a base to day one. I lost everything in there which was alot of different storage containers and high quality items. I've read that I'm not the only one this has happened to recently which is relieving. I understand there's not much I can do about it, but I still wanted to let you know it has happened and it's heartbreaking all those hours of looting and grinding resources are gone. This would be the biggest crash I've experienced and I've been playing since 7dtd hit console(Xbox one) and I have kept up with the updates(Creating new worlds) Thank you for reading this, any help is appreciated and I hope the crashes will eventually end or at least not reset everything.

P.s. I cannot wait for the new big update coming soon!

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Hi CK724,


I am sorry to hear you were hit with an MD5 error and that it took so much from you. I completely understand how disheartening this error is for players and the feelings of frustration it can cause.


I appreciate you taking the time to let me know what happened to your save.


While it is true there is nothing that can be done for you lost items, there are some ways to help avoid MD5 errors in the future. Below is a list of some of the steps players have taken to avoid / be aware of impending crashes and MD5 errors.


- Crash indicators: There are a number of indicators your might spot that a crash is coming. A menu flickering / not displaying (you may have noticed this in your inventory before the crash?) Animals not spawning correctly. A sudden extreme change in weather. - Shutting down immediately and clearing the cache of the console by unplugging for 5 mins and rebooting may help prevent crashes that lead to MD5 errors, however if not done once you see an indicator, you may still experience a crash.


- Timing: If you know how long it takes for a crash to build up, some players time and reset without a crash trigger occurring. (You mentioned you crash often, but is it after roughly the same amount of time for each crash?)


- Crash Factors: Some things may cause whatever is generating the crashes to build up faster. This can include large amounts of the map explored in a single session, or large modifications made. While I'm not saying to avoid these, as they are at the core of Gameplay, it is worth noting it make have an effect when watching for crashes. Player Ignoringmywife1 mentioned a friend of theirs has avoided MD5 erros by not digging within a few blocks of their chosen base too.


- MD5 workaround: If you do experience a crash, there is a chance it will trigger an MD5 error. Aside from keeping items spread out (detailed below) players have found a way to roll back a little on XB1 to avoid the MD5. It should be noted this is not an official workaround so caution is advised when using it. A lot of players (95%) have reported success with it however if followed quickly and exactly after a crash. If you log in to check if there is an MD5 error, it is already too late to use this workaround - https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?69218-Possible-work-around-and-or-solution-to-md5-crashes(base-wipes-resets)


- Storage and Crafting clusters: Separating out crafting stations and storage has worked for some. From your brief description it sounds like lots was kept together in a small space, is this correct? It is also worth noting that players find that stations that are currently crafting / cooking when a crash occurs may be more likely to be hit. - This seems to be the most common form of MD5 error at the moment. If you believe something else could have been the focal point please let me know.


I understand that the workarounds are not ideal for players, but they have proven effective for some while waiting on a fix to be released. Currently the team are working on upgrading the game engine to Unity 2017, which should help pave the way for them to fix some of the more persistent bugs still in the game. They confirmed this upgrade in this announcement: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?84520-06-06-Message-from-the-Team


Again I am sorry your save was hit by an MD5, if you have any further questions, I will do my best to answer them.


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Thank you Clare for responding


Yes, I do notice sometimes the "RS Page left/right" from the inventory menu pops up when I'm traveling around randomly, but that happens quite often and doesn't seem to cause a crash as I can still get a couple hours of game time from when I first notice it. When I open a chest or crafting station and the menu bugs out, I see the crash happens within a few seconds or instantly, but usually I'm able to jump back in with just a few seconds or min rolled back from where I was.


I'd say I can get at least 2-4 hours of game time without any big problems like a crash or the world not generating properly. Depending on how far I travel mainly it seems. Also uncovering new map.


Yes, I did have those containers and crafting stations pretty close to each other, all in one log cabin poi, which I know not to do anymore :p

I'll keep them spread out and probably just start building my own bases from scratch.


Would you think it would be okay to continue playing on this save? I'm in Navezgane and noticed the poi I was using as a homebase was the only thing that reset. My horde cage, my resource mines, farms, and the looted buildings are all still exactly how I left them. The spikes around my old homebase even stayed. I'm on day 40 and my character is level 111 (120 min days) Also if I have more questions later down the line should I stay on this thread or make a new one?

Thanks again

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Hi CK724,


Thank you for the extra information.


The "RS Page left/right" prompt sticking for some players is an issue the team are aware of and are looking into. It appears to be separate to crashes, as you rightly pointed out, so I would not consider it a trigger warning. The other menus bugging out and you crashing is exactly the kind of trigger I mean. The game autosaves every 30 seconds and can often roll back the previous 30 seconds if it detects a fault in the save. However as the MD5 error appears to happen on loading, it is not caught this way.


Unfortunately MD5 errors can happen on any save. Just because they occur, it does not mean that this save in particular is corrupted, so the good news there is that you don't need to start a new save but it is something I would be cautious off in order to avoid them. While some players believe POIs are more susceptible to MD5s they can happen anywhere. There was a different kind of issue that occurred with POIs when they tried to respawn items, but that issue was resolved in a very early patch.


Please do feel free to continue updating this thread if you have any issues or questions, I will do my best to answer everything I can.


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  • 8 months later...

When I open a chest or crafting station and the menu bugs out, I see the crash happens within a few seconds or instantly, but usually I'm able to jump back in with just a few seconds or min rolled back from where I was.


I'd say I can get at least 2-4 hours of game time without any big problems like a crash or the world not generating properly. Depending on how far I travel mainly it seems. Also uncovering new map.


Yes, I did have those containers and crafting stations pretty close to each other, all in one log cabin poi, which I know not to do anymore :p

I'll keep them spread out and probably just start building my own bases from scratch. Kodi

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