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Holy grail game save


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[Moved from https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?69181-CE-34878-0-Corrupted-Data-(PS4) by Clare]




I think I may have the holy grail game save you seek. I started a solo game. At first 7days would run fine but I noticed a kind of lag that caused the screen to sort of freeze for a second or two which would happen about every few minutes. Before long it turned worse and I was actually getting a crash and error CE-34878-0. I watched the video recording everytime and it didn't seem to have any rime or reason to the crash. This was the main reason I thought it was my PS4 that had the issue. At some point I wasn't able play 7days very long without it crashing and at this point I didn't know this error was an actual issue in the game. Thinking this was a serious issue with my ps4, I had sent my PS4 in for service after backing it up. They had me jump through a billion hoops of reinitialization, safe mode, etc.... When I had gotten my PS4 back and restored everything, I had played 7days to see if it'd crash still. It did within 10 minutes. I've uploaded the save to the above address. If you are looking for a corrupt save, I HAVE ONE lol. I hope this save helps. Please tell them the game save is the one called test2.


Edit: Please let me know soon if this does indeed sound like a game-related issue because I had PS4 send me a new shipping box thinking it still was not fixed the first time. If it is game-related, no need to send it in. I did not experience this crashing with Skyrim VR but earlier I thought that was because I have that game on disc. I downloaded 7days.

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Hi Cantons,


Thank you for sending that onto us, I shall alert the team to the save. In the mean time, I just have some questions that might help us narrow down what could be causing the crash for you.


I seperated your post out from the one you commented on as that post was from version 1.13, and may be a different issue as CE-34878-0 is a general area that can be caused by different things in game. The other reason i seperated you post out is that the post was from last year and I didn't want you to be flagged for Necroposting (reviving older posts). In future creating a new thread and referencing the one you believe is related is fine if the related post is over a month or so old.


So, with regards to your issue, can you tell me if this has only occurred in this solo game for you?

Did it happen right from the beginning or did it develop over time?

Does it tend to occur withing a certain area (ie: your base?)

Do you have a large amount of the following items in the area: Candles, torches, spikes, lights, spikes, wood frame windows, tree farm or consoles (like you find in bunkers and plants with little lights on them)


The current most common reason for the game to crash on PS4 is the lights. When the lights were introduced, it became apparent that having them grouped together could cause issues. A fix was released to reduce the scope of the lights (and prevent effects overlapping) but depending on other items in the area, anything from 10+ lights in a moderately sized base is going to cause lagging issues. 30+ will outright crash the game quickly.


If you have excess lights, I would recommend logging in a removing as many as you can before the game crashes. If then game does not crash, after reducing the lights, please quit out of the game and clear the cache of the console by shutting down and unplugging for 5 mins. Upon rebooting your game should function better if the lights were indeed the cause.


If it's at all possible to send footage of the crash you mentioned, or footage of any crash related to this, please do, as it'll let the team know what to look for when looking at your save.


Thank you for taking the time to send the save on and for outlining your issue. Hopefully we can resolve it on our end without you needing to send the console off again.


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Thanks! I used random gen and have only played solo so far. My base is in the central city. I took one of the 5 story apartment buildings and made my base inside of it. I had about 10 candles on every floor, 16 ceiling lights on the 4 story tower I build on top, like 16 spot lights for the outer perimeter, and about 10 more candles on a connecting bridge. There was a radio station generated right next to the apartment building with those panels you mentioned. I had a large tree farm about a two blocks away but it renders when I cross the bridge. I only have wood blocks near by not wood frames.


The candles were fairly spread out. My goal wasn't total illumination. I just wanted to see the end of the hallway. Judging by what you said about lights, I think the spotlights and possibly the ceiling lamps were more likely the issue. Still, I picked up every candle I had placed within the area of the city block. It was about 100 but these were well spread. I had spotlights casting crazy shadows in the areas I need to see zombies and the same for the ceiling lights in my tower. There are easily 100s of spikes but they are spread all over like up the steps, around the outside of building, and around the wall outside the building's perimeter


- I removed all lights I could find.

- I chopped all trees down save 6.

- I looted all the control panels in the radio station.

- I'm leaving the spikes for now since that took me days to make.


After I did all this it still has not crashed but the is that slight lag every so often. I'll play some more to see how long it lasts. If it crashes, how do I send the video to you? Just record the screen on my phone?

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I've been playing for about 6 hours and no crash. I just had to bump up the gamma so I can see. I really appreciate the help Clare. The game still has that slight lag I mentioned that can mess me up sometimes. It does it periodically whether I'm at the base or not. I there a fix for this? Sometimes it happens at unfortunate times too like when I'm zeroing in a head shot or just timing my jump over the moat. So as you can see the periodic lag can be annoying.

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Hi Cantons,


I'm glad to hear that the the crashes appeared to have stopped. Since you removed everything, have you shut down and unplugged to clear the cache? That might help.


When you say the lag occurs even when not in your base, does it still occur outside of the central city? (far enough away that the city chunk has unloaded) I know some players have mentioned before that the city itself can sometimes have an effect.



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