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Terrain Respawn


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[Moved from https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?47919-(XB1)-Terrain-Respawning-and-deleting-my-Base By Clare]


This issues constantly happens to me. I have played on each variation possible on private matches and on survival multiplayer. I've built bases by upgrading existing structures, clearing land or digging tunnels. I've also built tree houses on existing trees and trees I planted myself. I always lose everything and usually right before horde night leaving me defenseless or scrabbling for materials and weapons. I've even split item stacks across multiple chests in different areas. Either everything is gone or empty when it resets itself.

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Hi ZombieWolfe87,


I moved your post to a new thread. Please be careful when posting in future that you do not revive older posts (generally anything older than a month) as this is considered "Necroposting" and is against forum rules. In future, posting a new thread, but linking back to any you find are relevant it fine, and it'll help prevent you being flagged by the mods for necroposting. This is to help avoid confusion on the forums and the mixup between old and new issues. For example the MD5 error thread you posted on was likely a different trigger than you are experiencing now.


I am sorry to hear you have been hit by the MD5 error multiple times. I understand how frustrating and disheartening it is to lose items and builds. The team are continuing to work on the remaining triggers of the MD5 errors (having fixed a large number already with each patch).


In the mean time, there are some ways that they may be avoided. As you mentioned multiple MD5 errors, I assume you are playing on the XB1 where the issue is more common due to crashes that occur. If you are on PS4, please let me know as there other suggestions I can give that may help you.


Below is some information that may be useful while the team continues to work on resolving these errors.


- Crash indicators: There are a number of indicators your might spot that a crash is coming. A menu flickering / not displaying. Animals not spawning correctly. A sudden extreme change in weather. - Shutting down immediately and clearing the cache of the console by unplugging for 5 mins and rebooting may help prevent crashes that lead to MD5 errors, however if not done quickly they can still occur.


- Timing: If you know how long it takes, some players time and reset without a crash trigger occuring.


- Crash Factors: Some things may cause whatever is generating the crashes to build up faster. This can include large amounts of the map explored in a single session, or large modifications made. While I'm not saying to avoid these, as they are at the core of Gameplay, it is worth noting it make have an effect when watching for crashes. Player Ignoringmywife1 mentioned a friend of theirs has avoided MD5 erros by not digging within a few blocks of their chosen base.


- MD5 workaround: If you do experience a crash, there is a chance it will trigger an MD5 error. Aside from keeping items spread out (detailed below) players have found a way to roll back a little on XB1 to avoid the MD5. It should be noted this is not an official workaround so caution is advised when using it. A lot of players have reported success with it however if followed quickly and exactly after a crash https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?69218-Possible-work-around-and-or-solution-to-md5-crashes(base-wipes-resets)


- Storage and Crafting clusters: Separating out crafting stations and storage has worked for some. I see above you mentioned you tried this, however multiple chests in the same area would still count as a cluster, and keeping storage together near craft-stations seems to increase the chances of the area wipe for some players. It is also worth noting that players find that stations that are currently crafting / cooking when a crash occurs may be more likely to be hit. - This seems to be the most common form of MD5 error at the moment. If you have other focal points that are more common, please let me know and I will pass this information onto the team.


I understand that the workarounds are not ideal for players, but they have proven effective for some while waiting on a fix to be released. Currently the team are working on upgrading the game engine to Unity 2017, which should help them fix some of the more persistent bugs still in the game. They confirmed this upgrade last week in this announcement: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showth...-from-the-Team


I hope that information helps. If you have any further questions I will do my best to answer them.


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