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Random Gen Relative Spawn Points


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In random gen it is possible to have more than just the central city. Would it be possible to, if discovered, be reassigned to a different set of spawn points surrounding another city? Alternative: spawn points per biome. For the biome you are currently in, you are assigned to spawn points within that biome. If that biome has a city, the spawn points emulate arrangement of the central city. Thoughts? I've not found another post like this in my searches, so apologies for a duplicate if one already exists.
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[QUOTE=Hiyoto;140934]In random gen it is possible to have more than just the central city. Would it be possible to, if discovered, be reassigned to a different set of spawn points surrounding another city? Alternative: spawn points per biome. For the biome you are currently in, you are assigned to spawn points within that biome. If that biome has a city, the spawn points emulate arrangement of the central city. Thoughts? I've not found another post like this in my searches, so apologies for a duplicate if one already exists.[/QUOTE] Yes... There are other cities in other area's ( wasteland only for now ). Once found, you can edit the Spawnpoints.xml in the data/worlds/Random Gen and set them to whatever you want. But I wouldn't change them before creating the world as this may crash the game if a spawn point map position hasn't be generated yet.
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