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Question from the Ps4 Community :(


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Dear Funpimp Survivors,



I have the holy question and I hope that the answer will the Ps4 Community let it grow a little bit bigger than the Zed Hordes ^^


Wil we take a Alpha 17 update to? So many Friends and community members wish it that some informations over a ps4 update come that I don't want longer to wait and I request you that




Thanks For the greatest game on ps4 and thanks for a answer ^^



Ps:sorry for my bad English as a German I have problems to write understanding sentences I hope you forgive this me





your greatest fan Totzgenator

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Well, a17 is being built on Unity2017. Same as they just announced for the next console update.


However as for getting a17 features in the console, it is not very likely.


The console is sold as a finished product. I very much doubt that they will introduce incomplete features that are still being developed. (Although they did put the minibike in the console, so who knows.)


It's much more likely that with the optimization Unity2017 allows, you will be able to see some of the features from a16 like better block textures, painting, new zombies, and electricity.


Only time will tell, and the console dev's are pretty tight lipped. It took several months of knowing they were actively working on an update to get the little tidbit that they are working on updating the game to Unity2017. (This is pretty much the standard for the industry, and I have no idea why everyone is shocked about it.)

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