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Loaded wrong mod and deleted save?

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I'm just confused as to how I managed to deleted a save game by accident. I have both darkness falls and darkness falls bbm installed on my PC. I accidentally clicked my regular darkness falls launcher and clicked my darkness falls bbm save. When it load it was completely reset. Obviously I thought this was odd, so checked what file path I followed and realized it was the regular DF launder that I clicked. When into the DF BBM launcher and reloaded the save and it was in the same state that it was when launched through DF.


Loading the "apparently" new DF save reset my DFBBM save. When I then loaded the "apparently new DF save" through DFBBM it didn't reset the DF save. Why would loading the DFBBM save through my DF seem to reset the save, but loading the same save through DFBBM doesn't reset the save.


I'm confused...

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I don't know much about it, but did you maybe load up the wrong save for the mod you were playing? I've lost a couple saves this way(well, it screwed up my saves but they were still there)


There's a checkbox in the 7d2d launcher called "Save All Games Local to Mod" which might reduce the risk of making such a mistake in the future.


If your save just isn't there, then I haven't a clue.

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Thank you for the reply. It has the same name as the original save, but it was reset back to initial spawn, in a different biome and everything. I have no clue as to how it happened, because I tried to repeat the scenario and there was no resetting of data. Thankfully I had only played it a few hours, so its not like a lost a massive amount of work(I was on day 8). Still a bummer though.

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