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Crash every 45 min - 85min

l3ig l3omber

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Playing on xbox 1, wired connection, spectrum ISP, solid connection speed, digital version, not much else to tell as far as that goes.


It dosent matter what char i play with, no matter what biome im in, or what im doing, the game will freeze, play a sound like a auger going through a trash can for a few seconds, and then dash board. If im broadcasting on Mixer it will just exit mixer as well. Usually when it happens the xbox fan spins up and then a few moments later it will crash. I had a MD5 yesterday while in my base was 16x16 in size thank god it missed all my important things and just reset the structure i was building in. This is really getting frustrating as this is the same reason i quit playing for close to a year. I came back thinking that maybe it had been fixed but it hasnt. :upset:

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Hi l3ig l3omber,


This issue is one the team are still working on. Both myself and the team understand how frustrating this issue can be for players.


While there is currently no way to prevent the crashes once they start occurring in a save, they can be avoided by hard resetting or clearing the cache (unplugging for 5 mins) before the crash occurs. Players do this by either timing their play sessions or when an indicator of an imminent crash shows up (Players report these include: menus flickering/displaying incorrectly, animals not spawning correctly, extreme weather changes)


If a crash does occur players have found a workaround that helps them avoid the MD5 errors - https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?69218-Possible-work-around-and-or-solution-to-md5-crashes(base-wipes-resets) - please note that as this is a player found workaround that involves deleting and re-syncing data caution is advised. It is also a time sensitive workaround that must be performed immediately after a crash.


The following suggestions to help lengthen playtime / avoid MD5 errors from players may also help you.


- Some items being grouped together that can cause a lag build up. These include large numbers of trees growing together, woodframe windows, toggle lights (10+), torches, candles and large number of spikes.


- large modifications (builds / mines) appears to have an effect on the time it takes to crash [*]


- Amount of map uncovered also appears to be a factor [*]


- Collapsing large buildings / large areas of land all at once


- For MD5 errors, it has been noted lately that they are often likely to occur in a crafting room / storage room and some players have started spreading their crafting stations and storage out which they say helps them a lot.


I hope that information helps you, if you have any questions I'll do my best to answer them.



[*] These points were very badly worded on my part and while the past they were a larger contributing factor listing them as I have here causes it to look like I am suggesting avoiding major aspects of the game. That is not my intention. Please see full note on this in my next post below.

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Without sounding like a jerk


Its hard to say this without sounding like a jerk and please understand im really trying not to. Basicly dont explore, dont change anything and dont build on existing structures. It seems a little opposite of what the game is supposed to be about.

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Hi l3ig l3omber,


Firstly I must apologize as my wording was very bad in my previous message, and it definitely came across like I was saying that. I should have elaborated / broken those "suggestions" up more rather than just adding in "a factor" at the end, and for that I am sorry.


What I should have said is that they appear to be common factors. While large modifications and opening up explored areas have in the past caused crashes for players, it is not to say that you shouldn't be doing this. In the past I would always check with players if they had large modifications, large areas of the map uncovered, or had hit day 60 for the team and report back, over time the players responding yes to these questions reduced greatly. The team have worked on increasing stability in previous patches and while it may not be as large a contributing factor as it once was to crashes, being aware of it so you can be prepared for any potential crashes should have been how I worded it rather than casually listing them in with the suggestions.


You are correct, both exploring and building big part of what the gameplay is about and it would never be my intention to encourage players to play minimally.


Again I apologize for very bad wording on my part. While I will not edit the mistake in my original message I will add in a note that points down here to this message.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi l3ig l3omber,


Firstly I must apologize as my wording was very bad in my previous message, and it definitely came across like I was saying that. I should have elaborated / broken those "suggestions" up more rather than just adding in "a factor" at the end, and for that I am sorry.


What I should have said is that they appear to be common factors. While large modifications and opening up explored areas have in the past caused crashes for players, it is not to say that you shouldn't be doing this. In the past I would always check with players if they had large modifications, large areas of the map uncovered, or had hit day 60 for the team and report back, over time the players responding yes to these questions reduced greatly. The team have worked on increasing stability in previous patches and while it may not be as large a contributing factor as it once was to crashes, being aware of it so you can be prepared for any potential crashes should have been how I worded it rather than casually listing them in with the suggestions.


You are correct, both exploring and building big part of what the gameplay is about and it would never be my intention to encourage players to play minimally.


Again I apologize for very bad wording on my part. While I will not edit the mistake in my original message I will add in a note that points down here to this message.




No worries, thank you for makeing that a bit better worded.




Started a new multiplayer map, random gen, default setting for xbox. day 5 early morning about 6:15 game time. everythings going great, playing for about.......10 mins. Invite a guy i been playing with (if your reading this and i dont know its you Your a good player, keep up the good work, and thank you for not bashing my brains out when my back is turned) and soon a si do i do a about face and then something new happened.....


screen went strange like i was crouching, but i was full run, sky went a flat gray color and froze but....the iron club i have (lvl 12) kept movign like normal, I could hear myself runnign around, and there was a tracer effect with the club as well, as if the new single image was loading in all the right spaces to make it appear as its moving, but without removing the image that was before it so it was like a stacking effect( very trippy ) andyway. sounds and all that stayed as normal, but then it did the oopse i crashed sound.....and went back to the (what i assume) is the main menu but the image was still stuck with me in the game. anyway, havent seen a error like this before so i figred i would ask you guys.


Did the hard restart delet local data and resynch with the cloud trick and...loaded back nicely. Hope this helps somehow

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Hi l3ig l3omber,


Thank you for describing the lead up to the crash in such detail, I have never heard of that kind of activity before / during a crash before. I shall send your description onto the team and see if it's something they have ever seen or heard of, or if it could be something new.


I'm glad everything was ok when you reset, please do let me know if it or something similar occurs again.



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Thanks for letting me know Ignoringmywife1, I wonder if it is a particular way the game is crashing... I am still waiting for a response from the team, but will let ye know what I find out.

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Similar experience


Just recently, in a game I started last month, I was running across forest terrain towards my base when my screen seemed to freeze. Except it wasn’t really frozen. I couldnt access menus or tool belt. And my characters arms holding the shotgun seemed frozen in place on screen. But there seemed to be a double of my character that did move slightly. So when I tried to move the joystick, the double moves slightly.


I quickly hard reset my game instead of waiting for a crash.

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Freezes or restarts at least once per hour


Playing often, wired connection xbox 1, game will freeze completely or go black and restart soooo many times while I'm trying to play. Have not noticed any reason or timing to it. Sometimes will freeze or restart within minutes of loading game. Also had an issue which I took a video of where background disappeared, all contents of bookbag disappeared from screen but were visible when selected. Color blinking in and out...

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I've chatted with a team member about the unusual crashing. Is there any chance either of you, l3ig l3omber and KurookamiRyou, were slipping through the ground or dying as this happened? I know it's a long shot, but when this was seen before it was not related to a crash but rather something happening to the character. I wonder if it is something entirely new, or something that happened to happen to your character right as you were crashing.

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طathbetrayer and Onigumoevilsoul - to prevent confusion in threads, please create a new thread with your information using the guide provided https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?47268-IMPORTANT-Please-read-BEFORE-posting


While the majority of the info is avail above in my response to I3igI3omber, if you have any specific things you would like to ask or clarify please do so in a new thread to prevent confusion as I continue to discuss this current unusual crashing with players here.

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